Go out there and rock 🤘

Opher Vishnia

Hasoub Dec 2021


Don't eat dubious food


I'm Opher

Senior Developer


Playing guitar for 20+ years

Programming for 23+ years

is exactly like

Joining a tech company

Joining a band

There are different types of bands

rock band


can be scary


can be scary


but don't be afraid

There are different types of players

There are different types of developers

- Writing code

- Communication and collaboration 

Skills all devs need

- Problem solving

- Having initative and being proactive

- Empathy

Joining a tech company

Joining a band

is exactly like

kinda like

Joining a tech company

Joining a band

is exactly like

- Money

Reasons to join

- Location

- Money

Reasons to join

- Location

Practical Reasons

- Money

Reasons to join

- Location

Practical Reasons

- Belief in the product

- Connection to the company culture

- Interest in the domain

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

So which band

should you join?

Large Corporate


Small Startup

Large Corporate

Small Startup

- Notoriety

- Proven products & users

- Existing processes

- Internal mobility

- Many resources

- Great flexibility

- Personal impact

- Many hats

- Close-knit team

- Potential for payout





B2B / B2C / B2B2C /  B(2[BC])+


pre-seed / seed / round [a-z] 




- Sending a CV

- Phone interviews

The process

- Whiteboard interviews

- Coding challenges

- Homework

Help the recruiter help you

Skills and Personality

A CV is an opportunity to showcase your

- "Self learner"

Everyone writes this

- "Recommendation will be provided upon request"

- "Attention to detail"

- "Team player"

- "Strong work ethic"

- "Self learner"

- "Attention to detail"

- "Strong work ethic"

Showcase projects

Personal website

Stable work history

Instead: Show them

Did you put a link to a sad Github page?

A happy Github page:




- Personal text
- Ongoing activity
- Maintained projects
- Contributions to Open Source

Skills and Personality

An interview is an opportunity to showcase your

Prepping for an interview

- Find out about your interviewers

- Research about the company

- Play with their product

- Who are their competitors?

Catch 22: How to gain experience when you have little/no experience?

- Try to build an actual product!

- Meaningful contribution to an open source project

- Hackathons / Game Jams

- Volunteer at NGO/non-profits with tech needs

Getting accepted is

just the first stage...

All beginnings

are difficult

You have to work hard  at learning

You can't possibly

know everything

(and that's ok too!)

you will make mistakes

(and that's ok!)

You have the opportunity

to choose your own path

What type of player

 do you want to be?





Go out there and rock 🤘

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