Everything you need to know to fight depression

In order to learn what you want, choose which slide you are more interested in. To the right are slides to help you understand depression. Below are slides that can show you ways to fight against depression.

What is Depression?

The fight against Depression

Depression is the most common mental disorder in the world. More than 16 million within the United States have a depressive episode. In the United States, 26% of the population, has been or is currently effected by it. There are many ways to fight against it. Such examples include diet, exercise, even religion.

Solutions to the Problem

What is Depression?

Depression is something that cannot be cured, but it can be fought against, and life can be reclaimed. There are many different methods, all of which depend on what type of depression and your personal preference. 

Diet has proven to help increase natural chemicals in the body. No specific diet has worked best, but many different types have shown to help. 

Exercise does something similar to diet. It increases some of the chemicals in the body that fights against depressive moods. 

Different types of therapy have been proven to help depression. Group Therapy provides a group to help. Clinical Therapy has someone that is expert who can help. 

Sunlight and being outside helps the body produce serotonin, which is the chemical in that helps one be more awake and focused. 

There are many types of mental disorders that are within the category of depression, but  for the most part, it is divided into three types: Situational, Seasonal, and Clinical. 

Situational and Seasonal 


Clinical Depression comes from a literal difference within the brain. This can come from an imbalance in certain chemicals within the brain. This can be hereditary or mutation. Solutions focus primarily with medication but other solutions. For more information, of back to slide "Fight against depression". 

Situational and Seasonal

Situational and Seasonal depression comes from the subconscious. 

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is most common within winter season. The days are short, there is less sun, and it is usually more cold. This can lead  to a couple of different problems. Less sun can cause natural hormones to decrease, shorter days can cause anxiety, and the cold usually pulls people inside, where they have no community.

Situational Depression is most commonly caused by anxiety through a tough situation. This can be caused by anything that makes you over worry or think about a situation. These situations can overwhelm you and cause you to develop this type of depression. 

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