Both Focus Group interviews said they prefer a San-serif font to serif.
Having said this I will probably use a mixture of both serif and San-Serif to comply with the convention of a unisex magazine audience.
The preference of colour in both focus groups was red, and also vintage combinations were mentioned such as red and white along with black and white. The use of a house style is also what they found attractive
Content and layout
In addition it was also said that the interviewees prefer an uncomplicated layout and within the contents page it must be uncluttered and clear. Regarding the images, it was said in one, that they liked images in which the subject looked directly at them. The other interviewee said images that were in the middle of the page were preferred.
It was not specified in great detail the shot types my subjects preferred, however do to the genre I am doing, indie, it allows any shot type or angle.