How to Write For Travel Magazines

Anyone passionate about travel with an interest in freelance writing can learn how to earn money writing for travel magazines.

Make Money With Travel Writing

Getting paid to travel sounds like a dream come true for many people. While living sustainably from travel writing is a difficult goal to achieve, it is certainly possible. All freelance writers must start somewhere, and even new freelance writers can get paid to write about their travels.

The easiest way to find travel magazines is through a search engine, such as Google. For print magazines, visit their websites and browse the magazine section at bookstores. Be sure to take note of what each magazine prefers to focus on, and what writing style they prefer.

There are several great sources online for finding travel magazines that pay for articles, such as 50 Travel Magazines That Want To Publish Your Writing on Brave New Traveler. Some magazines, especially online, do not pay much, if anything, for articles. However, many are still held in high esteem, and a published clip is sure to help a new writer's portfolio. For example, Pology does not pay, but is particular about which stories they publish.

In addition to searching for travel magazines that will publish their writing, aspiring travel writers should start a blog. Blogs are free, fun, easy to maintain, and will provide samples of work that many editors request.

Paper writers can use their personal blog to develop their niche and establish expertise in a particular area of travel, as well as to connect with other travel writers and editors and become active in the travel writing community.

How to Find Travel Magazines

What Travel Magazine Editors Want

Researching a magazine first will greatly increase a hopeful travel writer's chance of publication. Never submit a story or query without first browsing the magazine and reading the guidelines to get a feel for what that particular publication is looking for.

Travel writing is a broad term. While having the ability to write in several areas will open more doors for publication, writers should develop a niche, an area of expertise in which they can establish themselves and become in demand. A few examples of travel niches include:

  • Luxury travel
  • Budget travel
  • Off the beaten path

Location travel (a particular destination: SE Asia, Cancun, New Orleans, etc.)

  • Adventure travel
  • Cruise ship travel
  • Living abroad

The more focused the niche, the more in demand an expert will become. For example, a travel writer who successfully backpacked for three months through Central America and lived on $5 a day will certainly stand out when querying a magazine that focuses on budget travel in Mexico.

Whether glossy or online, most travel magazines have websites. Writers should read several published articles, along with any letters from the editor regarding submission preferences, before submitting an article.

How to Pitch an Article to a Travel Magazine Editor
One of the most common mistakes new freelance writers make is sending a large number of queries to any and all magazines, hoping to increase the chances of publication. That time would be better spent carefully researching individual magazines and finding the best few options for an article.

For example, sending a query about an article on surfing in Hawaii to a magazine that focuses on travel philosophy and spiritual issues will not help. The writer should instead seek out publications that feature articles on sports, particularly water sports.

Every magazine will have different submissions requirements. Some publish "on spec", meaning the article must be written before the editor will consider publishing it. Others accept only a query, which is a summary or pitch of the story idea. Writers should carefully read and adhere to a magazine's guidelines before submitting.

Earn Money By Travel Writing
All travel writers start out making only a small trickle of income. However, with care and perseverance, it is possible for a dedicated writer to make a living with travel writing. The best way to start is by keeping a blog, writing articles, researching, and submitting queries – in other words, just start writing!

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