Bilbo, 22th July 2016
Owocki & Cohen '06, Moffat '08
Cygnus X-1
Cygnus X-3
AGILE Collaboration
Both detected in GeV by Fermi satellite, when the jet is present
Credit: F. Mirabel
The minimum radius for a clump to enter the jet is:
The maximum jet luminosity not to destroy the jet before it enters:
jet opening angle
contrast density
orbital radius
stellar wind speed
jet Lorentz factor
stellar mass-loss rate
O-type Star
~8.5 min
~1 min
~12 min
~10 min
~14 min
First stage
Second stage
The fluid is divided in 50 lines with 200 cells each, describing an axisymmetric 2D space of:
The clump radius, height and density contrast are:
Half the solar radius
A fifth of an Astronomical Unit
Although the RHD simulation is 2D, we take this information and scramble the different lines around the y axis, giving each cell a random azimuthal angle phi, so the result is more similar to the 3D real scenario.
de la Cita et al. 2016
Definition of the magnetic field at the beginning of the line:
Evolution of the B field in the different cells k:
(Low, high magnetic field)
Fraction of matter energy flux that goes to magnetic energy
A fraction of the generated internal energy per second in the cell k enters in the form of non-thermal particles.
To get a feeling of the importance of the observer angle, we have chosen the following angles:
The observer will be placed in the x axis forming an angle phi with the vertical axis.
We let the particles evolve until they reach a steady state so we can consider the medium stationary, in other words, every loss time (e.g. synchrotron) or cell-crossing time is much shorter than the dynamical time on large scales. Described in de la Cita et al. '16.
All the computation is done in the (relativistic) frame of the fluid, so every relevant quantity has to be transformed, including the angles between fluid, gamma photons and target photons velocities.
Once we have the electron distribution, we compute the inverse Compton (IC) and synchrotron radiation, taking into account the Doppler boosting.
In the case of a low magnetic field, the IC radiation dominates the spectrum.
The difference between the three angles come from the doppler boosting, more important for smaller angles given that most of the cells have a strong z- component of the velocity
In general the non-thermal radiation will be increased for larger shocks, produced while the clumps is being disrupted.
Knowing the lifetime of a clump inside the jet and the frequency they enter with (for a given clump size) we can compute the duty cycle (DC): the fraction of the time that a certain type of clumps are interacting with the jet.
For a wide variety of parameters we obtain a duty cycle of 1, meaning there is about one clump interacting with the jet at every time .
Cygnus X-1:
Cygnus X-3:
The effective radius of the emitter is much bigger than the clump radius. Emission levels strongly depend on the viewer angle due to Doppler boosting.
Depending on the duty cycle and the mass distribution of clumps, their radiation can contribute to either the standing high-energy emission.
...and also be responsible of short GeV flares, like those observed by AGILE in Cygnus X-1 (Sabatini et al. '10).
We follow a prescription for particle acceleration in strong shocks. The acceleration timescale goes like ~1/v² as proposed in previous works (e.g. Drury 1983)
We inject non-thermal particles when a shock takes place:
Internal energy goes up
fluid velocity goes down
Given that the two winds can mix through the fluid lines, we have had to cut the lines at a certain point. To do so, we can impose that the amount of material that crosses the section do not get larger than a certain threshold:
The injected non-thermal particles have a lumisosity given by a fraction of the generated internal energy per second in the cell.
With the pre-factor varying between 0 and 1 and the +/- subindexes refering to the right/left boundaries, respectively.