They tend to follow mainstream culture and whatever is on trend.
They're very stereotypical and tend to have labels like goth/indie/emo/hipster/grunge.
They're interested in music, art, reading, fashion, hanging out with friends, concerts.
They tend to have crazy hair and dramatic makeup and they wear things like Converse, Doc Martens, black leather jackets, ripped tights, jeans, plaid shirts, silver jewelry, band shirts etc.
They shop in stores such as Urban Outfitters, Blue Banana and other unique online boutiques.
They listen to bands like Evanescence, Paramore, The Pretty Reckless etc.
They consider themselves as being misunderstood and move away from their reality and the expectations of society.
According to Maslow's 'Hierarchy of needs', my audience would fit under 'Self-actualisation needs' such as realising personal potential, self fulfillment and seeking personal growth and experiences