okiem programisty
The root of all evil in programming is misunderstanding of the problem. Ask right questions to right people before first line of code.
Mariusz Gil
Source: https://twitter.com/mariuszgil/status/897006258770903040
Tech people must speak the language of Business people, not vice versa.
Stefan Priebsch
Source: https://twitter.com/baehr17/status/913348099795537920
The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change
you shouldn't start a new project with microservices
Martin Fowler
Source: https://www.martinfowler.com/bliki/MonolithFirst.html
artificial intelligence
machine learning
virtual/augmented reality
internet of things
cloud computing
deep learning
quantum computing
Fashionable software carries risk. Consider the business context and take risks when it makes your business different.
Jon Topper
Source: https://twitter.com/miss_jwo/status/905753287328137216
If it’s hard to write a test, it’s a signal that you have a design problem, not a testing problem.
Kent Beck
Source: Extreme Programming Explained by Kent Beck
I wish the understanding were more widespread that we plateau in coding skill mid-career, it is all about communication after that.
Denton Gentry
Source: https://twitter.com/dgentry/status/906758809678254080