Dojo #3
Warsaw, 13.12.2013
What is Dojo
"Place of learning the way"
Coding Dojo
place to learn and have fun while programming
safe place to practice and learn by making mistakes
Short history
2004 - Paris, France
No habit of improving skills outside of work environment
Code used to learn new tech goes to production
No tests for new technologies
Develop always using same skillset
Types of Coding Dojo
Prepared Kata
A presenter shows how to solve the challenge from scratch, using TDD and BabySteps.
Each step must make sense to everyone present for.
People should interrupt only if they don't understand what is going on.
Randori Kata
The challenge is solved by the coding pair (driver and copilot).
Everyone present is invited to help.
Each pair has a small (5 or 7 minutes) timebox to advance, using TDD and BabySteps.
At the end of the timebox, the driver goes back to the audience, the copilot becomes driver and one of the audience step up to be copilot.
Learn by practicing,
Fail in safe environment,
Teach one another,
Explain yourself to peers,
Explore each other's solutions,
Have fun!
Simple design, baby steps,
Unit tests are required,
Switch in front of keyboar
Write unit test for Particular BabyStep
Run it, it should fail
If it is not failing - review the test it might be wrong
Written test should generate interfaces
Write an implementation until the test is green
Go to the next BabyStep
Divide into groups,
Present problem to be solved,
Work on given task,
Demo of each solution.
Time to split
Problem - TaSK
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