Fast Vocabulary Transfer for Language Model Compression, Italy


15 Feb 2024


Paper | Code


  • Reducing an LM's size by compressing its vocabulary through the training of a tokenizer in the downstream task domain.


  • \(D_{gen}\) as general purpose LM with vocabulary \(V_{gen}\) and embedding \(E_{gen}\).

  • \(D_{in}\) as in-domain LM with vocabulary \(V_{in}\).

  • Vocabulary Transfer aims to initialize \(V_{in}\) by re-using most of the information learned from the LM pretrained on \(D_{gen}\).

Vocabulary Transfer

  • Vocabulary Initialization with Partial Inheritance (VIPI)

    • VIPI calculates all the partitions of the new token with tokens from \(V_{gen}\).

    • Takes the minimal partitions and averages them to obtain an embedding.

  • Fast Vocabulary Transfer (FVT)

    • Each token \(t_i \in V_{in}\) is partitioned using \(T_{gen}\).

    • Averages them to obtain an embedding.

  • Partial Vocabulary Transfer (PVT)

    • Unseen new tokens are randomly initialized.

Vocabulary Transfer

\(E_{in}(t_i)=\frac{1}{|T_{gen}(t_i)|} \cdot \sum_{t_j \in T_{gen}(t_i) } E_{gen}(t_j)\)


  • Adjust the model's weights by training it with MLM on the in-domain data.

  • Finetuning it on the downstream task.


  • Replicate the distillation process for DistilBERT.

    • The number of layers of the encoder is halved.

  • Applying vocabulary transfer after knowledge distillation.

Experimental Setup

  • Model: BERT-Base-Cased with 28,996 wordpieces vocabulary \(T_{Gen}\).

  • Vocabulary Size: \(T_{100}\), \(T_{75}\), \(T_{50}\), \(T_{25}\).

  • Finetune 10 epochs on the downstream task.

  • Datasets:

    • Medical (ADE)

    • Legal (LEDGAR)

    • News (CoNLL03)

Average Sequence Length

  • 32% reduction of the average number of tokens per sequence.

Vocabulary Transfer

  • FVT vectors initialization method consistently outperforms the baseline PVT.

Vocabulary Transfer & Distillation

Getting The Most Out of Your Tokenizer For Pretraining And Domain Adaptation


University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK
Meta AI, Paris, France


7 Feb 2024


Paper | Code


  • Study the impact of vocab size, pre-tokenization on compression and downstream code generation performance.

  • Observe that the pre-tokenization can substantially impact both metrics and that vocab size has little impact on coding performance. 

Compression Tradeoff

  • Three main levers impacting the downstream compression:

    • The data used to train the tokenizer.

    • The pre-tokenization scheme define how the text is split before BPE.

    • Increasing the vocabulary size leads to higher compression at the cost of compute and memory.

  • Higher compression rates could also lead to deteriorated downstream performance, even seemingly low-information tokens might still provide gains.

Compression Metrics

  • Normalized Sequence Length (NSL):

    • Compares the compression of a given tokenizer with respect to baseline Llama tokenizer.

  • Bytes per Token:

    • Calculated by dividing the number of UTF-8 bytes by the number of tokens produced by the tokenizer on a given text.


  • CCNet - English

  • Wikipedia - Multilingual, 28 Natural Languages

  • Stack - Code, 30 Programming Languages


  • Library:

    • Google SentencePiece

    • Hugging Face Tokenizers

  • Opt to use Hugging Face Tokenizer library as it supports a regular expression-based pre-tokenization and better handles special formatting characters such as tabs and new lines. 


  • Train the tokenizer on 10B chars.

  • Train all tokenizers on a data distribution of 70% code and 30% English.


  • Pre-tokenization is a pre-processing step that happens before passing the text to the tokenization algorithm.

  • Previous works have also shown that digit tokenization can significantly impact arithmetic performance.

UTF-8 Normalization

  • NFKC transforms to most common, compatible form, e.g. \(NFKC(^2) = 2\)

  • NFD separates letters from their diacritical marks, e.g. \(NFD(\tilde{a})=a+\tilde{}\)

  • This work abstain from any form of normalization in pre-tokenization step to keep tokenization scheme perfectly reversible.

Regular Expression

Vocabulary Size

  • A larger vocabulary increases the cost per decoding step, it reduces both the memory needed for KV-cache and the computation for generating a sentence.

  • In larger LLMs, the relative impact of a larger vocabulary on the overall parameter count becomes negligible.

  • With a large vocabulary, every token is seen less frequently on average by the model. This is a natural consequence of Zipf's law.

NSL Comparison

  • Identity: skip pre-tokenization.

  • Merged: extended llama tokenizer.

Inference Optimal

  • Find optimal inference time vocabulary size to grow with the size of the LLM.

Memory Optimal

  • Llama2 34B and 70B use GQA with only 8 KV heads.

    • Significantly reduce the number of parameters kept in the cache.


  • Word-equivalent: Train on the same number of characters.

  • Token-equivalent: Train on the same number of tokens.

  • ​Assessing the token-equivalent downstream performance offers a fairer comparison between models, as compute is the primary constraint in training.

Switch Tokenizer During Finetuning

Performance vs Code NSL

How Much Data?

  • Can only recommend that tokenizers are fine-tuned in regimes where there is enough training data for the model to adapt to the new distribution. 

Tokenizer Size

  • Vocabulary size does not impact end-goal performance significantly.

Tokenizer Update Methods

  • Fast Vocabulary Transfer (FVT) and extending an existing tokenizer (Merged).

  • FVT leads to noticeable improvement on all downstream tasks.

  • only small gains from starting with the Merged tokenizer compared to starting from an entirely distinct tokenizer such as GPT-4.

7B Models

  • With long-enough fine-tuning, tokenizers can be changed without sacrificing performance.

Token Healing


  • The tokenizer of a pretrained LLM can be modified during finetuning if trained on a large enough dataset (>50B tokens).

  • Vocabulary size has little impact on performance.

  • The GPT-4 pre-tokenization regular expression validates a good balance between compression and performance.

  • Skipping pre-tokenization can maximize compression but at a significant cost to performance.

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