python re

паттерн описание
. Один любой символ
\d Любая цифра
\D Любой символ кроме цифры
\s Любой пробельный символ
\S Любой непробельный символ
\w Любая буква, любая цифра и _
\W Не буква, не цифра и не _
[...] Любой из символов в скобках
[^...] Любой символ не из скобок
\b Начало или конец слова
\B Не граница слова
^ Начало строки
$ Конец строки
паттерн описание
Повторение ровно n раз
{n, m}
От n до m повторений
{n,} Хотя бы n повторений
Не больше m повторений
Не больше одного повторения - {0,1}
Любое количество повторений - {0,}
Хотя бы одно повторение - {1,}
паттерн описание
text точное совпадение: "text"
\d{3} три любые цифры подряд
\b[A-z]{4}\b слово из четырёх букв
[-+]?\d+ целое число: "7", "+2", "-1", "42", "-100"
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
two words: "here" and "there" are quoted
Made with