AngularJS 1.x Team Lead
Make sure you have node installed
clone using git
git clone
or download zip file
or copy from USB stick
Add Angular and basic bindings to the page
ng-show / ng-hide
Show and hide parts of the page dynamically
Move logic into a Controller
Encapsulate the logic in a component
Display a list of restaurants
Simple functions that modify bindings
Use the pipe | symbol in an expression to apply
{{ name | uppercase }}
Enable sorting of the restaurant list
Improve price and rating displays
Angular provides sophisticated declarative validation
Add validation to delivery form
Well Defined Singleton Objects/Functions
Persist the delivery info in the local storage
Load the restaurant data from a server
Filter the restaurants by price and rating
Display the number of filtered restaurants
Provide decoupled reusable visual components
<fm-rating rating="app.filters.rating" glyph="star">
Add a cool rating component for use in filtering
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