Relax! Flux is the ML library that doesn't make you tensor
create computation graph beforehand
need to be specific, e.g. shape, graph ...
create computation as the data pass forward
everything could be dynamic
using Flux
using Flux: throttle, @epochs
x = rand(784)
y = rand(10)
data = Iterators.repeated((x, y), 3)
m = Chain(
Dense(784, 32, σ),
Dense(32, 10), softmax)
loss(x, y) = Flux.mse(m(x), y)
opt = ADAM(params(m))
evalcb = () -> @show(loss(x, y))
@epochs 3 Flux.train!(loss, data, opt, cb = throttle(evalcb, 10))
using Flux
tree() = rand() < 0.5 ? rand(10) : (tree(), tree())
shrink = Dense(20, 10)
combine(a, b) = shrink([a; b])
model(x) = x
model(x::Tuple) = combine(model(x[1]), model(x[2]))
model(tree()) # Sample output
using Flux.Tracker
Tracker.gradient((a, b) -> a*b, 2, 3) # (3.0 (tracked), 2.0 (tracked))
#= equivalent =#
using Flux.Tracker: forward
y, back = forward((a, b) -> a*b, 2, 3) # (6.0 (tracked), Flux.Tracker.#9)
back(1) # (3.0 (tracked), 2.0 (tracked))
using Flux.Tracker
f(x) = 3x^2 + 2x + 1
# df/dx = 6x + 2
f′(x) = Tracker.gradient(f, x)[1]
f′(2) # 14.0 (tracked)
# d²f/dx² = 6
f′′(x) = Tracker.gradient(f′, x)[1]
f′′(2) # 6.0 (tracked)
using Flux.Tracker: forward
y, back = forward((a, b) -> a*b, 2, 3) # (6.0 (tracked), Flux.Tracker.#9)
back(1) # (3.0 (tracked), 2.0 (tracked))
a, b = param(2), param(3)
c = a*b # 6.0 (tracked)
Tracker.grad(a), Tracker.grad(b) # (3.0, 2.0)
W = param([1 2; 3 4])
x = param([5, 6])
y = W*x
#Tracked 2-element Array{Float64,1}:
# 17.0
# 39.0
c = sum(y)
Tracker.grad(W), Tracker.grad(x) # ([5.0 6.0; 5.0 6.0], [4.0, 6.0])
using Flux
using Flux: data
using Flux.Tracker
using Flux.Tracker: TrackedReal, track, @grad, TrackedMatrix
foo(a, b) = a * b .+ 10
foo(a::TrackedMatrix, b::TrackedMatrix) = Tracker.track(foo, a, b)
@grad function foo(a, b)
f = foo(data(a),data(b))
x = similar(data(a))
y = similar(data(b))
for i ∈ 1:length(x)
x[i] = i
for i ∈ 1:length(y)
y[i] = i^2
return f, Δ -> (x, y)
a = param([1 2; 4 5])
b = param([5 6 2; 7 8 1])
c = foo(a, b)
#2×2 Array{Float64,2}:
# 1.0 3.0
# 2.0 4.0
#2×3 Array{Float64,2}:
# 1.0 9.0 25.0
# 4.0 16.0 36.0
using Flux
using Flux: chunk, batch
xs = collect(Iterators.repeated(rand(10), 1000))
ck = chunk(xs, 50)
data = batch.(ck)
using Flux
using Flux: @treelike, glorot_uniform
struct Nalu{S}
function Nalu(in::Integer, out::Integer;
initW = glorot_uniform)
return Nalu(param(initW(out, in)), param(initW(out, in)),param(initW(out, in)))
@treelike Nalu
function (n::Nalu)(x)
W = @. tanh(n.W) * σ(n.M)
a = W * x
g = σ.(n.G * x)
m = ℯ .^ (W * log.(abs.(x) + 1e-7))
y = @. g * a + (1 - g) * m
return y
N = 300
embedding = param(randn(N, length(alphabet)))
W = Dense(2N, N, tanh)
combine(a, b) = W([a; b])
sentiment = Chain(Dense(N, 5), softmax)
function forward(tree)
if isleaf(tree)
token, sent = tree.value
phrase = embedding * token
phrase, crossentropy(sentiment(phrase), sent)
_, sent = tree.value
c1, l1 = forward(tree[1])
c2, l2 = forward(tree[2])
phrase = combine(c1, c2)
phrase, l1 + l2 + crossentropy(sentiment(phrase), sent)
loss(tree) = forward(tree)[2]
function train!(loss, data, opt; cb = () -> ())
cb = runall(cb)
opt = runall(opt)
@progress for d in data
l = loss(d...)
@interrupts back!(l)
cb() == :stop && break
julia> using Flux
julia> using BSON: @save
julia> using BSON: @load
julia> model = Chain(Dense(10,5,relu),Dense(5,2),softmax)
Chain(Dense(10, 5, NNlib.relu), Dense(5, 2), NNlib.softmax)
julia> @save "mymodel.bson" model
julia> @load "mymodel.bson" model
julia> model
Chain(Dense(10, 5, NNlib.relu), Dense(5, 2), NNlib.softmax)
# Import the required packages.
julia> using Flux, ONNX
# If you are in some other directory, specify the entire path.
# This creates two files: model.jl and weights.bson.
julia> ONNX.load_model("model.onnx")
# Read the weights from the binary serialized file.
julia> weights = ONNX.load_weights("weights.bson")
# Loads the model from the model.jl file.
julia> model = include("model.jl")