Our Audience
Who uses
the Workforce Information Database?
First ...
A normalized, relational database structure developed for the storage and maintenance of:
The Workforce Information Database provides states with a common structure for storing information in a single database in each state. The database serves as the cornerstone for information delivery, workforce research, and product development for information that is standard and comparable across all states. The database, once populated, brings together critical workforce information from many sources to promote better analysis and more sophisticated interpretation.
Workforce Information Database Advantages
Provides a “common structure”
Allows consistent data to be accessed quickly & efficiently
Results in cost-savings to the entire workforce information system
Unlimited opportunities for meaningful, customized, local information
Occupational Wages
The Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages program publishes a quarterly count of employment and wages reported by employers covering 98 percent of U.S. jobs, available at the county, MSA, state and national levels by industry.
Employment Levels
Job Seekers and Students:
Job Seekers and Students:
Projections of growth
or decline in an occupation
Job Seekers and Students:
Job Seekers and Students:
Job Seekers and Students:
Job Seekers and Students:
Job Seekers and Students:
Economic Developers
Number of available workers by labor market area
Economic Developers
Skills of available workers
Economic Developers
Types of training workers need
Economic Developers
Policy Makers: