No Borders


End of year potluck next week is


5:30 pm

JDUC Performance Lounge

Global Priorities

The Environment

video: Bjorn Lomborg

Bjorn Lomborg

  • Became internationally known for his controversial best-seller The Skeptical Environmentalist (2001)
  • Adjunct professor at the Copenhagen Business School
  • Director of the Copenhagen Consensus Centre
  • Former director of the Environmental Assessment Institute in Copenhagen.

in debate: Lomborg vs. May

in books: so many books

like, everywhere: Big media stations, speaking engagements...

...Bjorn Lomborg

Accusations of scientific dishonesty
After the publication of The Skeptical Environmentalist, Lomborg was accused of scientific dishonesty. Several environmental scientists brought a total of three complaints against Lomborg to the Danish Committees on Scientific Dishonesty (DCSD) [...]  claimed that The Skeptical Environmentalist contained deliberately misleading data and flawed conclusions. 

DCSD investigation
On 6 January 2003 the DCSD reached a decision on the complaints. The ruling sent a mixed message, deciding the book to be scientifically dishonest, but Lomborg himself not guilty because of lack of expertise in the fields in question
The DCSD cited The Skeptical Environmentalist for:

  1. Fabrication of data;
  2. Selective discarding of unwanted results
    (selective citation);
  3. Deliberately misleading use of statistical methods;
  4. Distorted interpretation of conclusions;
  5. Plagiarism;
  6. Deliberate misinterpretation of others' results.

Oh Bjorn....

lets do a search
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