Popathon Warwick

27-28 February 2015

Philo van Kemenade @phivk

Gilles Pradeau @LearningToCount

#popathon popathon.org

This Weekend






Hacking +
Final sprint


Brainstorm in teams
Stand up presentations
Prototype presentations

Enabling an experience


using the capability of the web

as a mechanism for narration


from the start of the authoring process

Web-native Storytelling

6 countries

12 events

236 participants

37 prototypes

Eva Domínguez, Gerado García, Juan Gomis, Andreu Meixide, Berto Yáñez

Storytelling meets Science on the Web

Explorable Explanations

How can we encourage better understanding by letting the user explore a scientific or journalistic explanation?

No one ever cried at an academic paper

How can we make a scientific story 'stick' by triggering your audience' emotions?

Explorable Explanations

An active reader asks questions, considers alternatives, questions assumptions, and even questions the trustworthiness of the author. An active reader tries to generalize specific examples, and devise specific examples for generalities. An active reader doesn't passively sponge up information, but uses the author's argument as a springboard for critical thought and deep understanding.

No one ever cried at an academic paper

When you present a work on the web you are dealing with a greatly shortened attention span – you have minutes at best, before your viewer clicks away to something else – so standard linear narratives aren’t ideal. This is where a little interaction works, just enough to give the user a bit of an investment. Take interaction too far, overuse it, and the experience becomes too open, too user defined, and the authorial voice is lost.

A few tips on collaboration

Prototype a story that can only be told on the web


Make use of your team's skills


connect to a theme


Saturday 6pm:

5 min live walk-through

Code on github








