1. Demonstrates genre characteristics

2. There is a relationship between lyrics and visuals

3. There is a relationship between music and visuals

4. Beauty shots of the artist as visual hooks

5. Voyeruristic treatment of the female body

6. Intertextual reference

We used Simon Frith's theory that music videos tend to be performance, narrative or conceptual.

We mainly focused on performance with GiGi singing in the various setups but particularly in the purple setup.

We intercut between performance shots and the narrative sequence of the dolls but they are not the focus of the music video.

Our music video isn't very conceptual. However, we do use thematic concepts such as intertextuality and depicting fiction as reality.

Simon Frith states that a music video conforms to at least one of these categories, but does not need to conform to all three

1. Narrative

The video is a visual response to the music

There is not necessarily a balance between narrative and performance

The structure of the video may appear disjointed

Something drives the video forward. But often it is not the narrative.

There may not be a clear resolution (closure in the end)

The video may pose a quea


  1. Narrative
  2. Editing
  3. Camera movement and framing
  4. Diegesis
  1. Narrative
  2. Editing
  3. Camera movement and framing
  4. Diegesis
  1. Narrative
  2. Editing
  3. Camera movement and framing
  4. Diegesis

Simon Frith




  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Indications of live performance


Simon Frith




  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Indications of live performance



Equilibrium: the dolls live happily in the doll's house. The male doll is patriarchal and reads the newspaper while the female doll cleans the house for him. Although she is not content with doing the housework, she has never known anything else so she accepts it and quietly does her job as the loving and doting housewife to keep up appearances of the perfect family.

Disruption: GiGi enters the doll's house and disrupts the perfect household. She reminds the male doll that it isn't the women's job to do all of the cleaning and she introduces the female doll to the idea that she doesn't need to be contained in her repetitive, boring life anymore. She doesn't have to sit still look pretty and she can be free to do what she wants. 

Resolution: GiGi takes the female doll out into the real world where she can be free to express herself how she wants to and isn't under the control of her husband.

New equilibrium: we have left the ending open ended to leave the audience wondering what would have happened to the dolls and whether things have changed for the better. We also lead them to ask themselves what they would do and if they should stand up and make a change. 

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