a web interface to download BGP streams
Real-time monitoring for BGP changes and ASN announcement updates is a very important method to find indicators of a network problem such outages.
While the data could be captured with a minimal CLI interface, exposing it with an API allows more:
lightweight RESTful request dispatcher
once the Flask server delivers the site page, the Javascript part of the app can run standalone.
it then asks the API when it needs analysis for instance.
containing the app
the React app uses a Material design UX, material-ui. its is following the Google standard for devices.
lightweight choices
bleeding-edge tech choices
react.js 15.0.1
(8 april 2016)
industry-standard choices
material-ui 0.15.0 (6 may 2016)
future-proof organisational choices
redux 3.5.2 (a month ago)
Flask 0.11
sqlite3 3.13.0