How to build an app in the cloud?

Edition 2024


How to join?

Use the phone, Luke!

Piotr Stapp

  • Unique name - just sing a song: "Don't Stapp me know" ;)
  • SAFe System Principal Architect @ Demant Technology Center
  • ex - Senior software/DevOps/Architect @mBank/@FinAi/@Allegro
  • Own company (small consulting + workshops)
  • M.Sc (distction) Oxford Brooks University in Web Tech
  • M.Sc. Warsaw University of Technology in Computer Science


All opinions are my own


do not necessarily reflect

the views of any companies.


Agile -> Scrum -> SAFe

App? Seriosly?

Internal Developer Platform


  • Platforms are designed to achieve scale and reduce time-to-value.
  • They eliminate toil by offering DevEx and simplified operations.
  • Key components include self-sufficiency tools, common task assistance, reusable building blocks, and early feedback on problems or security risks.


Pick your favorite cloud

Version control


Did you include?

Our contract

  • In this presentation money are not important
  • In real life they are


The incomplete list


  • Azure Container Instances
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Azure Container Apps
  • Azure Web App with containers or not
  • Virtual machines + custom scripts (e.g. docker-compose up)
  • Virtual machines + "cluster management"  (e.g. Rancher, Kubermatic, ... )

No containers

  • Not today - sorry :)

Upfront + static costs


  • Azure Container Instances
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Azure Container Apps
  • Azure Web Apps with containers or not
  • Virtual machines + custom scripts (e.g. docker-compose up)
  • Virtual machines + "cluster management"  (e.g. Rancher, Kubermatic, ... )

Easy to scale up


  • Azure Container Instances
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) ***
  • Azure Container Apps
  • Azure Web Apps
  • Virtual machines + custom scripts
  • Virtual machines + "cluster management"

Easy to scale down


  • Azure Container Instances
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) ***
  • Azure Container Apps
  • Azure Web Apps
  • Virtual machines + custom scripts
  • Virtual machines + "cluster management" *** 



  • Azure Container Instances
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) ***
  • Azure Container Apps
  • Azure Web Apps
  • Virtual machines + custom scripts
  • Virtual machines + "cluster management" *** 

Voting on hosting


Small recap

  • We build a platform - different systems may have different needs
  • Still we need to give "something" with:
    • integrated networking
    • HAA
    • support
    • etc.


  • Great, isn't it?
  • New, isn't it?


  • Solid, isn't it?
  • Well known, isn't it?


  • Self-hosted "custom" one on VM's
  • Azure Storage
  • Cosmos DB
    • "Native"
    • Mongo
    • GraphQL
    • Postgres on Cosmos
    • ....
  • SQL as a Service
    • MSSQL
    • Postgres
    • MySQL
    • MariaDB

Custom stuff on VM's

Before you decide, you should know

  • why PaaS DB won't work for you
  • how to manage this custom stuff


Azure Storage

In other words, if I want 100GB of storage and I want to hit it 10 million times, it’ll cost me $8 a month.

Azure SQL for ...

  • MSSQL, MySQL, MariaDB and Postgres
  • Pricing:
    • DTU versus vCore (Pricing)
    • Single Server vs. Flexible vs. Hyperscale (Pricing
  • Dynamic scaling? Yes, but ...

Cosmos DB

  • "SQL", API for MongoDB, Gremlin, Cassandra, Table, ...
  • Key-vaule, Column-Family, Documents, Graph
  • Pricing:
    • Standard
    • Auto-scale
    • Serverless
  • Dynamic scaling? Yes!!
  • Postgres on board? Yes!!!

What about ...

  • DB2🙈 (check: IBM DB2 Azure Virtual Machines DBMS)
  • Oracle 🙉 (check: Oracle Database Service for Microsoft Azure)
  • Redis🙊 (check: Azure Cache for Redis)
  • ....


  • Self-hosted "custom" one on VM's
  • Azure Storage
  • Cosmos DB
  • SQL as a Service



or queues?

Let's zoom it

ActiveMQ vs Service Bus

RabbitMQ vs AMPQ

  • AMQP 1.0 (used by Service Bus) is a completely different protocol than AMQP 0-9-1 (used by RabbitMQ)
  • Rabbit implements AMQP 1.0 via a plugin

Kafka vs Event Hub

To queue or not to queue?

Monitoring & logging

Let's zoom it

What about Azure?

And more

The (in)complete list

  • Application Insights
  • Azure Monitor ++
  • Grafana / Azure Managed Grafana
  • Prometheus / Azure Monitor Managed Service for Prometheus
  • Self-hosted ELK
  • ....

I want to use

User Data Storage
accounts and passwords

Old days


  • Take one technology that you <3
  • Apply the first tutorial about user accounts
  • Or copy some stuff from previous project

My case

  • .NET Framework (a good one)
  • Avoided problems:
    • Passwords with base64
    • SQL injection
  • In PHP, NodeJS, Java, .... - situation is simmilar



The incomplete list

  • Dedicated tools for user management:
    • Active Directory
    • OpenLDAP
    • ...
  • Ready to deploy and use:
    • Keycloak,
    • Identity Server 4
    • ...
  • SaaS:
    • Auth0
    • Userbase
    • Azure B2C



  • My own with NuGet / Maven / NPM / pip / ... support
  • Active Directory / OpenLDAP / ...
  • Keycloak / Identity Server 4 / ...



  • SaaS outside Azure: Auth0
  • "SaaS" inside Azure:  Azure B2C
  • Totally "unknow" SaaS: Userbase

SaaS Features

  • Facebook / Twitter / Github / .... login
  • MFA with application and SMS
  • FIDO2
  • Custom domain
  • Custom CSS
  • ....


"Have I Been Pwned"?

The end?

Our amazing IDP!


  • We know how to store code
  • We know how to host our app
  • We know how to deploy it
  • We know how to monitor it
  • We know how to store data
  • We know how to manage users
  • We know ....


Are we ready to deploy?

Generate image representing our deployment using AI

Your deploy will be like dance.

Generating perfect image....

Help! Aider! Hilfe! Pomocy!

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