Potential Community Partners

This chapter will introduce you to the different types of potential community partners.

Table of Contents

Chambers of Commerce/Economic Development Organizations

Local employers, small business owners, visitors’ centers, chambers of commerce, economic development councils, industry councils, real estate agents, restaurants

Community Services Organizations/Associations/Clubs

Literacy organizations, YMCA, AARP, AAUW, American Red Cross, Kiwanis, Lions, Rotary, United Way, neighborhood associations, organizations serving the homeless, Salvation Army

Cultural Groups

Theater groups, art leagues, dance supporters, arts commissions, historic preservation groups, state humanities councils

Educational Organizations

Public schools, private schools, colleges/universities, PTA or PTO groups, school boards, home school organizations, multilingual programs, higher education institutions/organizations, tutoring organizations

Ethnic Organizations

Ethnic chambers of commerce, NAACP, tribal councils, Latino/Hispanic groups, Asian groups, Urban League, refugee rights associations, refugee/immigrant centers/services, refugee rights association

Financial Representatives

Bankers, credit unions, financial planners, stockbrokers

Government/Political Representatives

Mayor, city/county manager, city council, county supervisors, city/county fiscal office, city/county planning office, law enforcement officers, job training programs

Health Organizations

American Cancer Society, American Heart Association, hospitals, public health nurses, public health clinics, National Network of Libraries of Medicine

Legal Organizations

Legal aid, ACLU, bar associations, corrections departments

Media Representatives

Newspaper, radio, TV, ethnic media, local magazines, community newsletters

Organizations of/for People with Disabilities

Center on Deafness, Council of the Blind, state/county/city health and human services, Easter Seal, Goodwill, independent living centers, United Cerebral Palsy

Professional Groups

Medical associations, board of realtors, bar association, business and professional women’s groups

Religious Groups and Organizations

Churches, ministerial alliance, youth groups, Jewish community centers, Young Life, Catholic Services

Senior Centers/Service Organizations

Area Agency on Aging, senior centers, RSVP

Technology Experts

Computer clubs, consultants, community colleges, Internet providers, universities

Youth Services Organizations

Big Brother/Sister, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, FFA, FHA, child abuse agencies, city/county recreation programs, Junior Achievement, Head Start, Even Start, child care associations, local Association for the Education of Young Children, school-age care and enrichment programs

Women’s Centers/Service Organizations

Women’s shelters, YWCA, National Organization for Women, Junior League, Soroptimist, sororities

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