Tax Preparation at the Public Library


The IRS offers free tax prep services to the elderly, those making under $54,000, persons with disabilities, and limited English speakers who need help preparing their tax return. Since many of these populations are served by the public library, offering free tax prep is something your library can add to help these patrons and improve the community. In fact many libraries already offer free tax services. 

Table of Contents

Internal Revenue Service

  • Offers free training and materials to setup a tax prep center at your organization through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) and Tax Counseling for the Elderly (TCE) Programs.
  • Someone on the staff should serve as Site Coordinator and organize the event, while it is easier and more useful to find individuals already certified in tax law to provide the assistance.
  • The IRS will help you find tax volunteer certified in tax law, as well as provide you with the training you need to become certified.
  • The IRS has partnered with the AARP on this program.

Local Accounting Firms

  • Your local accounting firm may be willing to provide pro bono assistance to those in need.
  • You should contact the firm for more information and to setup a meeting to discuss a partnership.
  • Some questions to ask the potential partner are:
    • What types of tax services could your firm provide?
    • Since tax season is very busy for your firm, would you have the time to commit to pro bono work?
    • What would your firm hope to get out of a potential partnership?
    • What other organizations would be good to include in a this partnership?
    • What resources would you need from us to be able to assist with taxes?

Other Community Based Organizations

  • Consider including other community based organizations that provide services to the demographics you are trying to help.
  • These organizations can help market the event to their constituents and possibly even provide assistance and resources with the event.
  • Some questions to ask the potential partner are:
    • What is the primary demographic of your constituents?
    • Do you feel they would be interested in receiving free tax help?
    • What resources would you need from the library to help provide free tax help?
    • What is the best way to inform your constituency of the event?

Other Resources

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