Asynchronous Programming in Python

Talk proposal for PyCon India 2016

Priyank Trivedi

Introduction to Asynchronous Programming

  • How is it different from sequential programming.
  • Understanding key concepts.
    • Event loop
    • Reactor pattern
    • Coroutines

Common Gotchas

  • What asynchronous programming is not!
  • Where not to use and be careful of.

What's out there

  • Applications built on asynchronous programming pattern.
  • Libraries and Framework
    • uvloop
    • gevent
    • asyncio
    • twisted
    • uvloop
    • tornado
    • greenlet
  • Applications which participants can build with it.


  • Demo of a project built using asynchronous programming libraries.
  • Dive into the code.
  • All source code will be shared on Github for users to understand deeper and play around. (
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