Commit Culture

Why clean expressive history matters?

One commit, one idea

Each commit should be as small as possible, but no smaller.

The smallest a commit can be is a single cohesive idea: don't make commits so small that they are meaningless on their own.

There should be a one-to-one mapping between ideas and commits: each commit should build one idea, and each idea should be implemented by one commit.

Turn large commits into small commits by dividing large problems into smaller problems and solving the small problems one at a time.

All of this also makes writing commit messages easier

Why "Why" matters!


fix a bug

Just as bad:

Allow dots in usernames

Change the regexps so usernames can have dots
in them.

How it should be done

Allow dots in usernames to support Google and LDAP auth

To prevent nonsense, usernames are currently restricted to A-Z0-9. Now that
we have Google and LDAP auth, a couple of installs want to allow "." too
since they have schemes like "" (see Tnnn). There
are no technical reasons not to do this, so I opened up the regexps a bit.

We could mostly open this up more but I figured I'd wait until someone asks
before allowing "ke$ha", etc., because I personally find such names
distasteful and offensive.

UniMicro examples

Re-reading your own code

is the best way to spot bugs in it

How rebase can bite you in the a*s

If there is time...

How rebase works:

rebase --continue vs. git commit

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