Please let the organizing committee know if you are interested in sponsoring/collaborating.
Please let the organizing committee know if you are interested in sponsoring/collaborating.
Please let the organizing committee know if you are interested in sponsoring/collaborating.
(Re)visiting seq2seq: application beyond machine translation
by Peter Tunkis
Check out more events at:
DjangoCon Europe
June 2 - 6, Online
PyData is a proud member of the YYC Data Society
upcoming data events in Calgary and other data groups in the city can be found at their website
Switch-Case Statements Are Coming to Python
The Art of Writing Loops in Python
Top 10 Data Science Projects for Beginners
Turn your Python Script into a ‘Real’ Program with Docker
We are looking for presenters!!
Any topic and experience level with Python
Feel free to slack @CarsonZ. in YYC Design & Develop
Message one of
@data-get, @dgmouris, @abram
on Dev Edmonton Slack