- Framework NestJS
- ORM : TypeOrm
- Lib integration : Depends on projects
- Return : GraphQL
- Framework NextJS
- Query : GraphQL Client
- CSS : Tailwind + HeadlessUI
- Use express server under the hood who are not maintained since 2 years
- Current ORM is hard to use, find and select on sub relations is complicated and not strictly typed
- Type generation are not generated from schema
- GraphQL is not optimized on Query fetching (Fetch a request independtly for each Class in case of field resolving)
- If you want to apply update or fix for a lib (ex: file upload), you need to apply it on every project
- Long to develop because we have a strong architecture
- Graph Client is not optimized for caching, no debugger on client, hard to configure, and used only for GraphQL
- Form error validation
- No global message
- Some validations are not handle in Schema
- Validation is not trigger on onChange
- Tailwind Typography Plugin is use in an unrecommended way
- Icons utilization are not well separated (some icon doesn't work because they have the same name)
- Design system depends on Layout and are hard to test
Use Husky and lint-staged to
- Check security deps before push
- Check linting before commit (TS + ESLINT x Prettier)
- Use the latest node version for new projects
- Make commit more readable
Stop doing merge and use rebase
- git config --global pull.rebase true
Why ?
- Create a commit message for nothing
- Can create merge conflict more frequently
Merge Request
- Title : Respect conventional commit message
- Enable squash commits and branch deletion
Run every kind of project with the same port
- API -> 3000
- WEB -> 3100
- WEB (Admin) -> 3101
Create for each project, a run file (ex: launch.json for vscode) to be able to use debugger for client and api.
A README need to be present to
- tell which technologies are used
- required server (Redis, Postgres, etc.)
- How to start project (Local/Preprod/Prod)
Environment file need to not be commited !
But, we need to commit a .env.example where we can found all environment variable name
Fastify (
21K ⭐
Plugins :
- fastify-cors
- fastify-formbody
- gquittet/graceful-server (Shutdown + live endpoints)
- fastify-multer (File Upload)
- fastify-secure-session
- etc.
If we use GraphQL : (use Mercurius)
- disable all field resolving (to reduce fetching time and complexity)
- all relations are optional
If we use Rest :
- document every route with Swagger
- Validate and Serialize with AJV
Prisma 2 (
17K ⭐
Plugins :
- typegraphql-prisma : Export InputFields/Class/Mutation/Query
- Prisma Studio : Integrated DB Management
Features :
- Auto migration with Prisma Migrate
- Generation of types and connector to DB with Prisma Client
- Seed your database with an independent app
Prisma Validation before data is process in DB
- Able to display error before processing in DB in dev
- Able to hide easely DB validation error in production
Bull (
11K ⭐
Features :
- Synchronized with Redis
- CRON Management
- Concurrency Free
- Repeatable jobs
- Typescript Ready
- Can be manage easily with arena
- components (Business logic)
- loaders (Route resolvers, Graph resolvers)
- services (Every service without any business logic)
- types (Typescript types)
- index.ts
- generated (Prisma Client auto-generation)
- migrations
- schema.prisma
- name of your business logic (Ex: Post)
- PostRoutes.ts
- PostController.ts
- PostSchema.ts (Who contain Rest Swagger Schema)
- PostResolver.ts (Who contain GraphResolvers)
- Post.ts (Types)
- PostQueue.ts (Who contain Queue Management)
- PostService.ts
Make global :
- Prisma : to use DB query management
- Loging : to use logging management
Logging is managed by Fastify or by Pino.
8K ⭐
Between projects, we have many libraries who are share and not updated cross-projects.
-> Create a library + npm repo
- Open Source
- Inside or Outside contributors
- Without any business logic
- Need to be global and able to configure easily
- Tested
Ex : Authentication, Mail, Stripe, File Upload, etc.
- locales (Locale file in Typescript)
- pages (NextJS Pages)
- public (Public files)
- services
- api (Contain all GQL, API Hooks, REST endpoints)
- hooks (Hooks without business logic)
- i18n : Lang, Date, Number, Currency
- store (Global Store, ontext)
- constants/enums
- components
- atoms (Form components, simple)
- molecules (Specified atoms + linked atoms)
- organisms (by business logic)
- scss
- icons (who contains all icons files)
- lib (who contain all css import for libraries + override)
- app (who contain all special app design)
Custom Hooks are usefull but we don't need it everytime
React Query
23K ⭐
- Better Caching management
- Can generate query and hooks from Codegen
- Have a debugger
- Query agnostic : Can use Rest OR GQL
React Hook Form
- Use revalidateMode and mode options to onChange
- Use devTool for each form (Hide it in production)
- Use a hook to return translation key for errors
- Use only YUP schema validation
- Use YUP test function to handle custom validation
Use a file and a different class for each utilisation
- icons.scss (Global Icons), Ex : icon icon-add
- brands.scss (Brands Icons), Ex : brand icon-stripe
- illustrations.scss, Ex : illus icon-happy
Every icon files need to have :
- icon- -> Use mask to edit colors
- bg- -> Use bg to use current colors
- Use Tailwind Debug screens to debug responsive
- Use Nightwind to handle Dark mode automatically
- Tailwind Typography Plugin is currently used in an un-recommended way
We need to use this syntax :
Use Storybook for each atom and molecules components
More informations :
For each project
- Deploy pipeline from master/main (Auto Build & Deploy)
- Deploy pipeline from preprod (Auto Build & Manual Deploy)
- Deploy pipeline from prod (Auto Build & Manual Deploy)
For each MR
- Lint pipeline to check if quality is accepted
- Check deps security criticity
Activate a cron for each projects
- to update dependencies (minor)
- fix security issues
-> Renovatebot
Use BetterUptime for :
- Receive events on API or Client server is down
- Generate status page if customer need it