Albert Einstein

By: Quree Jung 

Background Information

  • He was  born on March 14, 1879 in Ulm Germany
  • Einstein started to feel passion for science at the age of 10/11
  • He was a youth prodigy after he graduated in 1896
  • he discovered e=mc2
  • He also discovered The Theory of Relativity and was awarded The Nobel Peace Prize in Physics for it.
  • He moved to America in 1933 in Princeton
  • Einstein was famous.


  • He asserted the equivalence of mass and energy, which would lead to the famous formula E=mc2

  • Einstein showed how to calculate Avogadro's number and the size of molecules.

  • He explained that light energy came in chuncks or quanta, now called 'photons'. This explanation changed the way researchers thought about the nature of light.

  • He discussed the Brownian motion that helped in proving the existence of molecules.

  • He also gave forth explanation regarding the dynamics of individual moving bodies.

  • And last, but not the least, he explained the nature of space and time.

how he is influential

Science: not much developments without him

Quotes: Helps us understand our own strength and helps us stive forward. 


World: We would far away from understanding of the world we live in.

How he effects our world today

  • He "helped" with the atomic bomb

  • He advocated peace

  • Physics

  • Quantum

FUn facts

  • Einstein wasn't a beautiful baby

  • He finished calculus before he was 15 years old

  • A lot of ladies found him attractive

  • Einstein didn't wear socks that often

  • New York keeps Einstein's eyeballs in a safe while his pathologists kept his brain for over 20 years, so Einstein is still around in our world today :) 


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