- desktop app experience,
- html5, css3, js, webgl - base on Chromium
- complete node.js api support
- print, save to file behaviors,
- creating chrome apps
- solid bases:
- @media query,
- rem, em, %,
- not only Bootstrap,
- routing is important
- back button,
- history fix,
- limited CSS animations,
- SVG over canvas,
- rendering engine support,
- state machine,
- state nesting,
- views
- great API - e.g auth
- based on angular.js,
- uses native components - Cordova
- supports iOS and Android,
- build in browser,
- debug in mobile,
- ship to store
- create plain JSON files, in API directory,
- downsides:
- difficult to simulate changes propagation
- use existing sample JSON,
- build with custom api server (express), to be able to return 403, 404 codes and simulate communication ,
- you can use libs like: chance.js to get more randomized data,
- requires additional step during app serve
- language agnostic REST API,
- when API is large and constantly changes,
- UI + api explorer + tester,
- easy to use and integrate,
- mock generator
- open,
- secure,
- RFC 7519,
- claim based
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