Produtos do NMEC para a Bloomberg

Package of 3 previews of the Brazilian Economic Uncertainty Indicator.  This indicator is a measure of Brazilian economic uncertainty and its calculation is based on news as well as business forecasts.

IIE-Br Media is a proxy that measures economic uncertainty according to the frequency in which articles on the subject appear in six major Brazilian newspapers. The last five values of this time series are available on FGV press release.


IIE-Br Forecasts Disagreement is an indicator based on information from the  market's expectations series produced by the Central Bank and published in the Focus Report. The last five values of this time series are available on FGV press release.

Quarterly time series of the Brazilian public investment. Its calculation is based on the annual time series disclosed by the Integrated Economic Accounts (CEI). The disclousure of this time series is about one quarter lagged.

Quarterly time series of the Brazilian private investment. Its calculation is based on the difference between the FBKF, disclosed in the Quarterly National Accounts, and the time series of the Public Investment time series previously calculated. The disclousure of this time series is about one quarter lagged.

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