
  • decompose voxel-voxel covariance matrix
  • evaluate spectrum on held-out data
  • no shared variance = 0
  • flexible


power-law spectra

  • across trials in a person
  • throughout visual cortex
  • shared between people


"universal scale-free representations"

power-law spectra in V1

  • both within humans and within mice
  • both across humans and across mice


such difference, much wow

  • individuals: varying neuroanatomy, visual experience
  • species: mice don't see well, cortex organized differently
  • neuroimaging methods: calcium imaging vs fMRI
  • scales
    • units: 1 vs ~10^4 neurons
    • overall: 1 vs ~6,500 mm^3
||r_i - r_j||

How to understand the decomposition?

latent dimensions look suspiciously like a Fourier basis...

\operatorname{cov}\left(x_i, x_j\right)


covariance function for neuron i

if translationally invariant (i.e. spatially stationary for all i), latent dimensions will be the Fourier basis


empirically appears so

power-law covariance spectra at all scales

coarse-graining analysis where we average the responses of neighboring neurons/voxels

all variance

basically no variance

How big should my Gaussian smoothing kernel be to reduce the variance by a factor f?

high-variance (low-rank) dimensions have bigger scales


low-variance dimensions have smaller scales

universal scaling properties of visual cortex representations across species, individuals, imaging methods, very different spatial scales


are basically all neurons being used?

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