Kishor Mohite
Rajat Jain
Sampath Kolachana
Movie review blog
A financial portal
A news article
Wilson Score or precisely the lower bound of Wilson score confidence interval for a Bernoulli parameter is used.
With a chance of 85%, the real fraction of positive ratings will be equal to this value.
Cluster 1
Cluster 3
Cluster 2
Sections based on-
1. Latest time
2. Number of news sources
Sections sorted based on number of headlines and number of comments.
Sections chosen using hit and trial.
Example -
Updated in last 3 hours News sources reporting >= 5
Updated in last 7 hours News sources reporting >= 5
Updated in last 3 hours News sources reporting >= 3
Cluster ranking never done by making use of comments.
More suitable for cluster ranking than comment ranking.
Factor of both number of news sources and news headlines covering that cluster are used
Articles in a cluster
1. Time at which article was written or last updated.
2. Normalized number of comments under article.
3. Time at which last comment was made.
Normalized done on -
News source + Category