
a free and open source distributed version control system


  • What is Git and why Git?
  • Basic Introduction
    • Gitk - a graphical history viewer
    • Merge vs Rebase ? when to use what?
    • Stashing VS Squashing
    • Cherry-pick patch to branches
  • Git Cli
    • Baisc commands (init/clone, add, commit, push, stash)
    • Destructive commands (rebase, reset, force update)
    • Update Comment message (--amend vs rebase -i)
    • Get full file history of moved file 
    • Reverting a merge Commit (Revert Vs reset)


  • Git Cli​ Scenario which may not be handle with IDE's
    • SVN to Git Migration
    • Remove Secrets from git commits
    • Repository itself moved
    • Push Old code where many jira's in commits are closed
    • Moving a file from one project to other project
  • Pro ductivity hacks
    • git alias 
    • Configure Default Editor 
    • Git ssh


Title Text

Git WorkFlow

  • Working Tree
  • Staging Area
  • Local Branch
  • Remote
  • Stashing Area

Each layer hold the Complete snapshot reference of code at that given moment

Git WorkFlow

Working Tree

The Currnet working folder

Git WorkFlow

Staging Area`

Place where we select files which can be add to commit

Git WorkFlow

Local Branch

Local Repo where our changes are saved

Git WorkFlow

Remote Repo

Git server Repo where our changes are stored

Git WorkFlow

Stashing Area

A Place to park our current change

Stash Area

Title Text

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