Continuity Editing


It is a system of editing (cutting) for maintaining continuous narrative actions by some set of rules which includes structural features (shot type for example long shot or close shot),smoothness in the editing etc.


The discontinuity in editing is known as Montage.Montage is a technique in film editing in which series of shots are edited into a sequence accordingly.

Early in 1990's,Montage sequence often combined numerous shots with special optical effects such as fades,dissolve,split screens etc.

Rules in Continuity Editing

Establishing shot

An establishing shot is generally a long shot at the beginning of a scene indicating where and when does the scene takes place.These shots were common  during the classical

era than they are now.Now,this shot skipped in many films in order to drag the scene

along more quickly.

Re-establishing shot

This is a shot that returns to a location back after a series

of close ups.It follows the establishing shot.The close up

shot is set up at the beginning of the scene to establish

the setting.


Shot/Shot Reverse

This is a technique where one character is shown looking at another character.The characters are shown facing in opposite  directions but while watching,it seems like they are looking at each other.


  •  180 Degree rule is applied in this shot.
  • Eye line match is important in this shot.
  • Close ups,Big close ups can be used in this shot.

180 Degree Rule

This rule is established when the actors in scene have the same

left right relationship to eachother in 180 degree angle.

The 180-degree rule enables the audience to visually connect

with unseen movement happening around.The camera used should stay on same side of the imaginary line at all times.For example,if a character is walking in leftward direction and is picked up by another camera,the character must exit the first shot on frame left to right.


Eyeline match

An eyeline match begins with a character looking at something off-screen followed by a cut of another object.It refers to the 

practice of setting off camera eyelines for single shots of characters.



Jump Cut

Jump cut is a cut in film in which two shots of a same subject are

taken from the camera with a little different position.This effect

shows jumping forwards in time.It gives an abrupt transition from one scene to another.Jump cuts add speed to the sequence of events.Sometimes,to avoid these jump cuts the 30-Degree rule is applied.

Match on Action

Match on Action is an editing technique in which one shot cuts to another shot showing the action of subject in the first shot.This

is used in continuity editing ,it shows the continous sense of same 


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