Raquel Alegre
RSDG meeting, 2nd April 2019
GHG and air pollutants from shipping constitute a significant proportion of global emissions:
These pose a serious threat to human health and the environment
IMO introduced in Aug 2012 "Regulations for the prevention of air pollution from ships" for ships equal or above 400 gross tonnage
The International Maritime Organisation introduced in 2012 a regulation for GHG Emission Control Areas (ECAs)
Identify the number of ships affected by these regulations and their effectiveness by analysing the speed, movement and type of ships sailing through them.
Data sources:
Station information (band, altitute sensor, channel, bandwidth, data length, ...)
Data sources:
Data sources:
on a series of PDF files!!!
What made the data difficult to deal with:
SELECT cartodb_id,
ST_Transform(ST_Buffer(the_geom,1), 3857) as the_geom_webmercator
FROM ecas_no_continent
20% data points in CartoDB
400K points: ~1% of the data points in CartoDB
Were Emission Control Areas effective?