
Before AngularJS, web-apps worked like....

Why AngularJS

Traditional application

Page reload!

Single Page application

No page reload!

What is AngularJS

AngularJS is:

A JavaScript Framework for Single Page Applications.

Why use AngularJS:

Let's you build complex Single Page Applications in a very easy way. It adds a lot of features to the DOM, so you are able to create interaction between data and user,

with re-usable components.

What can you build with AngularJS:

With AngularJS you can build anything you can imagine!

AngularJS is Concepts

  • Scope
  • Service/Factory
  • Controller
  • Directives
  • Filter

AngularJS -Scope

The scope is where the data lives in AngularJS. It behaves just like in normal JavaScript.



Is the global scope in AngularJS



Is the local scope of an AngularJS controller, directive etc.

AngularJS - Service/Factory

Re-usable business logic for the data.


You can use a service in an Angular controller, directive, filter etc.


The difference between a Service and Factory is very small. Read the explanation here: Service VS Factory


> Example service

'use strict';

 * Array service
  .service('arrayService', function() {

    function swapArray(tempArray, newArray, indexA, indexB) {
      var temp = tempArray[indexA];
      tempArray[indexA] = tempArray[indexB];
      tempArray[indexB] = temp;
      newArray = tempArray;
      return newArray;

    this.moveUpInArray = function(data, arrayIndex, callback) {
      var newIndex = arrayIndex - 1;
      var newArray = swapArray(data, data, arrayIndex, newIndex);

      if (newArray) {

    this.moveDownInArray = function(data, arrayIndex, callback) {
      var newIndex = arrayIndex + 1;
      var newArray = swapArray(data, data, arrayIndex, newIndex);
      if (newArray) {
        console.log('newArray: ', newArray);


AngularJS -Controller

Business logic for the view.


Can include functionality like:

  • Show/hiding components
  • Calling services
  • Creating scope for the view
  • Will be used by the router


> Example controller

'use strict';

 * categoryNew controller of the angularApp
    function ($scope, $state, currentUser, CategoriesFactory) {
        $ = {
          title: 'New categorie',
          subtitle: 'checkout the restaurants...'
        $scope.categories = new CategoriesFactory();
        $scope.currentUser = currentUser;
        $scope.createNewCategory = function() {
          console.log('products: ', $scope.categories);
          $scope.categories.restaurantID = $;
          $scope.categories.$addNew({}, function(data) {
            // it worked!
          }, function(error) {
            console.error('Error: ',;

AngularJS -Directives

Custom HTML elements & attributes.


Directives are the biggest power of AngularJS.


Directives help you build re-usable custom HTML elements. These directive's can include for example a Google maps, with search functionality. Or a special button.


> Example directive

'use strict';

 * Special button directive
  .directive('specialButton', function () {
    return {
      restrict: 'A',
      link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
        var activatedClass = 'btn-activated';
        var status = attrs.activateButton;
        var activate = function() {
          setTimeout(function() {
          }, 1000 );

        element.on('click', function() {
          if (!element.hasClass(activatedClass) && status === 'success') {
            setTimeout(function() {
            }, 1000 );
          } else if (!element.hasClass(activatedClass) && status === 'error') {
            setTimeout(function() {
            }, 1000 );
          } else if (!element.hasClass(activatedClass)) {

AngularJS -Filters

With filter you add logic to expression's.


In the HTML you will find {{expressions}} to output the data.


If you want to format your expression, for example a date, you add it to your {{expression | date}} with a pipe.


> Example filter


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