Keep your project save with Git
Github & Bitbucket



Frontend Workflow

By Raymon Schouwenaar

Frontend Workflow

By Raymon Schouwenaar


After this video, you know how to use Git to...
  • To keep your new and excisting project save with Git
  • To set your project on Github
  • To set your project on Bitbucket

Frontend Workflow

By Raymon Schouwenaar
Before we start check
  1. Check if you installed Git
  2. Check if you have created an package.json file
If not check episode #1 of the Frontend Workflow.



Frontend Workflow

By Raymon Schouwenaar
Setup Git in a new project


Existing projects are also suitable for this workflow

Frontend Workflow

By Raymon Schouwenaar
We are gonna start with a simple command
$ git init
Run this command in your terminal



Frontend Workflow

By Raymon Schouwenaar
The result should be something like
$ Initialized empty Git repository in 
    /Users/raymonschouwenaar/Development/Mr Frontend/git-new-project/.git/
Run this command in your terminal



Frontend Workflow

By Raymon Schouwenaar
Let's create a CSS file
.container {
	max-width: 750px;
	margin: 0 auto;
Create this file inside a CSS folder and call it style.css


By Raymon Schouwenaar

Frontend Workflow

Let's check our changes with Git
$ git status
Run this command in your terminal


By Raymon Schouwenaar

Frontend Workflow

The result should be
$ On branch master

Initial commit

Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)


By Raymon Schouwenaar

Frontend Workflow

The css folder is untracked


Now the CSS folder should be added to Git.
$ git add css/
Run this command in your terminal
By Raymon Schouwenaar

Frontend Workflow

Check it with


$ git status
Run this command in your terminal
By Raymon Schouwenaar

Frontend Workflow

The result should look something like


$ On branch master

Initial commit

Changes to be committed:
  (use "git rm --cached <file>..." to unstage)

	new file:   css/style.css
Run this command in your terminal

Frontend Workflow

By Raymon Schouwenaar
Create a commit



Frontend Workflow

By Raymon Schouwenaar


A commit is
Is like creating a sort of bucket, where the changes can be in, with an attached description.


But it will also will be a point to go back to in the future.

Frontend Workflow

By Raymon Schouwenaar


Create a commit
$ git commit -m "First initial commit"
Run this command in your terminal

Frontend Workflow

By Raymon Schouwenaar


Check the status of the commit
$ git status
Run this command in your terminal

Frontend Workflow

By Raymon Schouwenaar


The result should be something like
$ On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean
Run this command in your terminal

Frontend Workflow

By Raymon Schouwenaar
Push it to Github or Bitbucket



Frontend Workflow

By Raymon Schouwenaar


Add a remote git repository
$ git remote add origin
Run this command in your terminal

Frontend Workflow

By Raymon Schouwenaar


Or add a remote to bitbucket
$ git remote add bitbucket
Run this command in your terminal

Frontend Workflow

By Raymon Schouwenaar


Push to your remote git repository
$ git push origin master
Run this command in your terminal
$ git push bitbucket master
Run this command in your terminal
By Raymon Schouwenaar
Thanks for watching the last video of this serie!
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