Jeff Lee


get comfy & avoid mistakes

Intro to Promises

Who is Jeff?

Full-Stack JavaScriptivore


Review of the Basics

You can use the API, but do you understand it?

Pop Quiz

  • What does `.then()` return?
  • Should you always return a promise within a `.then()`?
  • Is it always ok to replace callbacks with promises?
  • Is a segment of a Promise chain always async?
    • What if the code inside the chain is synchronous?
  • How do promises work with async-await?
  • What does good Promise-based code look like?

Comman Misteaks

...are the inspiration for this presentation

Some Anti-Patterns

  • Nesting promises to create pyramid of doom
  • Explicitly returning/resolving a value as the last step of a promise chain
  • Attaching .catch to every .then
  • Wrapping every callback in an anonymous function when point-free code works fine

More Anti-Patterns (as told by Bluebird)

  • Explicit constructor
    (Unnecessary promisification)
  • Old-school `deferred`s
  • Handling errors via `.then()`
    • Ex: `.then(success, fail)`



Have you heard the word

...about Bluebird?


  • .all
  • .spread
  • .tap / .tapCatch
  • .finally
  • .return
  • .mapSeries
  • .cancel
    (maybe not so common)
  • Promise.try
    (to wrap synchronous code so it can be part of a Promise chain; it  can be caught by `.catch` as well)

Caveat on Helpers

Helpers are not part of the Promise A+ spec by using them, you become more dependent on your Promise library. Co-workers might be familiar with promises in general, but not promise libraries. So they may not understand the helpers.

E.g., it might not be worth using a helper like `.tap` (just use a .then anonymous func with the clear `return`)



Good (maybe even BEST) Practices

  • Using .mapSeries to reduce load on requested resource/server
  • Error handling
    • top-level catch-all (w/o this, promises will "swallow" your errors)
    • low-level to catch, log, reformat, then re-throw errors (e.g., proxy an AWS SDK error)


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