Summer Plans

Refath Bari

3 Goals

Do Research

Do Research

  • Email Romy
  • Email Dr. Kabat
  • Email Professors

Publish Article

Publish Article

  • Working on Draft 1
    • Bush: Increase Federal Oversight (NCLB)
    • Obama: Bye, AYP. Hi, Incentives (ESSA & Race2Top)
    • Trump: What?
    • Biden: Add Pre-K (from Age 3) & 2 years of Community College. 13 to 17 years of free, mandated education

Get Pilot's License

Get Pilot's License

  • Pass Written
  • Pass Oral
  • Pass Practical


  • $14,000
Material Cost
Aircraft $130/hr * 65 = $9000
Instructor $70/hr * 50 = $3500
Books $500

$10,000 Scholarship!

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