Bringing JavaScript into this decade
Ecma International is an industry association founded in 1961, dedicated to the standardization of information and communication systems.
Sorta like how English is the language, but there are eleventybillion dialects (how many different ways can you say the plural you? Y'all, Youins, You's, You's Guys, etc.)
var cantina = "Mos Eisley";
const cantina = "Mos Eisley";
let karaoke;
karaoke = "Bill Murray";
function blah() {
return "blah";
function defaultParams(name) {
if(name === null || name === '') {
name = 'Emperor Palpatine';
blah() {
return blah;
defaultParams(name='Emperor Palpatine') {
// no need to provide if statements
// if name is not provided, it uses
// the specified value
So, let's be real here: is this earth shattering? Does the elimination of the keyword prevent you from getting carpal tunnel? (Well, it might...)
(Note that the function keyword is still required for global functions, but 95% of the time this won't apply)
blahs.forEach(function(blah) {
return "I can't even " + blah;
blahs.forEach(blah => {
return "I can't even " + blah;
blahs.forEach(blah =>
"I can't even " + blah;
Unlike function, fat arrows (no, this isn't arrow shaming)
share this with their surrounding code
(which means no more of that stupid .bind() bs.
Well, mostly...)
-> Skinny arrow | => Fat Arrow
//There is no direct class in ES5
//Here's a pretty lame attempt
function Course() {
var self = this;
var _title = "Course Title";
get title = function() {
return _title;
set title = function(title) {
self._title = title;
class Course extends ICourse {
constructor(sweetness) {
this._title = "Course Title";
get title() {
return this._title;
set title(title) {
this._title = title;
ES2015 classes support inheritance, static methods and constructor functions. How's that look to you Java or C# peeps?
This is just syntactic sugar over prototypal inheritance, specifically to please the Java and C# peeps...
var theAnswerToEverything = 42;
var stringificated = "Jackie Robinson: #"_
+ theAnswerToEverything;
//This would not work in ES5
var multiLineString = "This string is
broken onto multiple different
lines and would break ES5.";
//Go ahead, try it in ES5, see if it works.
function ynot(name, age, favoriteShow) {
return "Hello, " + name + ". Your age is "_
+ age + " years old. Your favorite show_
is " + favoriteShow + ". But what about_
const theAnswerToEverything = 42;
const stringificated = `Jackie Robinson: #_
//This works all day long in ES2015
const multiLineString = `This string is
broken onto multiple different lines
and works just fine in ES2015.`;
ynot(name, age, favoriteShow) => {
return `Hello, ${name}. Your age is ${age}
years old. Your favorite show is
${favoriteShow}. But what about
String templating, the ES2015 way. Easier to read, supports multiple lines, doesn't require escaping of characters, etc.
Note the use of the backtick (`) to indicate a string template.
var color = "blue";
var lightSaber = {
color: color,
owner: 'Yoda',
slash: function() {
return "Wobble";
const color = 'blue';
const lightSaber = {
// shortcut for color: color
// method shortcut
slash() {
return "Wow!"
// super calls
toString() {
return `Yoda ${super.toString()}`;
// dynamic property names
[ 'prop' + (() => 1138)() ]: 42 + 1138;
A few little niceties added for ES2015 -
shortcuts, dynamic property names, super calls, etc.
import moduleName from 'moduleName';
import { pieces, ofFunctionality, fromModules } from 'moduleName';
//Real world example
import React, {Component, PropTypes} from 'react';
import * as Constants from './constants';
Modules aren't imported until needed, and are implicitly imported asynchronously (no code executes until modules (and dependencies) are successfully loaded)
Does require a module loader (like Webpack, SystemJS/JSPM, CommonJS, etc.)
Revolutions are not made for export - Nikita Khrushchev
Yeah, well modules are (in ES2015)
export function destroyTheSith() {
return "The force will you use";
export default class SithLord {
constructor() {
export const ITS_A_TRAP = 'Admiral Akbar';
Any primitive can be exported:
I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm betting on the spread... - Jason Clark
const { sith, jedi, empire } = this.props;
const newCharacter = {
function characters(luke, jarjar, ...others) {
// ... operator provides the remainder of
// params provided as an array
others.forEach((other) => {
const additions = [];
function addToList(item) {
addToList(...[han, leia, chewie]);
// (each of the array items is passed)
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Thank you!!!