Group Presentation
Rich Lewis
New members
- log into the website: demo
- email me so I can add permissions to edit your page
All members
- Fill in your details!
- Once most are done, I'll do a sweep through, putting in links and things
- If you want any help to get everything formatted, email me
- add a picture, make sure you call it your crs_id name (e.g. rl403)
- Any extra suggestions for things that should be added?
- If anyone has any news, we can put it up on the news section of the website
- e.g. papers published, winning awards, personal news
Research Pages
- Should we allocate people to write up a quick description of the research areas?
The problem
- As a group, we are very multi-disciplined.
- As such, collaboration within the group should be at the core of what we do.
- Also, as a computational research group, we are very code focused.
- Naturally, we should have a central place where we keep group related code and files, and leave them open for people to correct and improve.
- At the moment, there are the shared drives, which work well for large datasets, however keeping track of code is more difficult.
- For this, I propose we use GitHub
What is GitHub?
- GitHub is built around Git, a version control tool designed by the same team that created Linux.
What is Git?
- A version control tool, that keeps track of changes made to source code, allowing tracking of a projects progress.
- This allows for quickly tracking where bugs are introduced in the code.
- It also permits multiple people to work on a project without too much hassle.
How does it work?
- The code is stored on a central server as a master copy in what git calls a repository.
- A copy of this can be downloaded (pulled) by somebody to a remote repository on their local machine, edited by them in a helpful way, have these changes added to their local machine's repository (commited) and finally uploaded (pushed) into the master copy.
Benefits of GitHub
Helps you work: Keep better track of the development of your code
Collaboration: Let people easily locate, download and look at your code, and suggest improvements
Open Source Techniques: Provides an inside look into the development of many of the open-source project we use everyday, and open the doors for helping
Professional Development: Provides access to another professional 'social' network - a potential employer can look at your GitHub history and be assured that you can code well.