Hangfire for background tasks

Are you ready?

what it is

Incredibly easy way to perform fire-and-forget, delayed and recurring tasks inside ASP.NET applications. No Windows Service required. Easy to setup, easy to configure.

Hang     fire





Pendure dispare

Really easy?

// Fire and forget tasks
BackgroundJob.Enqueue( () => Console.WriteLine("Simple!") );
// Delayed tasks
BackgroundJob.Schedule( () => Console.WriteLine("Reliable!"), TimeSpan.FromDays(7) );
// Recurring tasks
RecurringJob.AddOrUpdate( () => Console.WriteLine("Transparent!"), Cron.Daily);

Yes, pretty easy!

string comprising fields separated by white space that represents a set of times.

at 9:15am Fridays in every month.

And more...

[AutomaticRetry(100, Attempts = 10]
public static void GenerateStatistics() { }

BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => GenerateStatistics());
public void SomeMethod() { }

BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => SomeMethod());

If fail, try again after 100ms

Queue in

critical list

ok, and the performance?

  • Scalable  - Use multiple server instances

  • MSMQ or Redis to reduce the processing latency to minimum.

  • Degree of parallelism

app.UseHangfire(config => {
            // config.UseRedisStorage("", 0, 
            //     new RedisStorageOptions{ ConnectionPoolSize = 90 });
	    config.UseServer(5, "critical", "default");

aham beautiful....  

and how to test it?

public class HomeController : Controller
    public ActionResult Create(Comment comment)
        BackgroundJob.Enqueue(() => CheckForSpam(comment.Id));

Simple, mock it!

public void CheckForSpamJob_ShouldBeEnqueued()
    // Arrange
    var client = new Mock<IBackgroundJobClient>();
    var controller = new HomeController(client.Object);
    var comment = CreateComment();

    // Act

    // Assert
    client.Verify(x => x.Create(
        It.Is<Job>(job => job.Method.Name == "CheckForSpam" && job.Arguments[0] == comment.Id),
public class HomeController(IBackgroundJobClient jobClient) : Controller
    public IBackgroundJobClient JobClient{ get; } = jobClient;

    public ActionResult Create(Comment comment)
        _jobClient.Enqueue(() => CheckForSpam(comment.Id));

View queues, stats, monitor and more with ...

... dashboard

... is open source!!

and ...

Ok, let me see code ...


... thanks

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