Internship Talk Series

Internship Opportunities Abroad

Internship Talk Series

Internship Opportunities For BSMS Students

Our Panelists

Gayatri Raina

Supervisor: Prof Christine Miller

University of Florida - Gainesville, USA

Mohit Jaiswal

Supervisor: Prof David Eisenberg

Technion Israel Institute of Technology - Haifa,


Chinmayi Subramanya

Supervisor: Prof Emmanuel Stamou

Technical University - Dortmund, Germany

Suchetana Mitra

Supervisor: Dr Rebecca Tyson

University of British Columbia - Canada

Kaustubh Kumar

Supervisor: Dr Roger Gläser

University of Leipzig - Leipzig, Germany

Esanmouli Ghosh

Supervisor: Prof Andreas Burkert

Ludwig Maximilian University - Munich,


Kaustav Sen

Supervisor: Dr Ana-Catalina Plesa

German Aerospace Center - Berlin, Germany

Our Panelists

Gayatri Raina (Biology)

Supervisor: Prof Christine Miller

University of Florida - Gainesville, USA

Mohit Jaiswal (Chemistry)

Supervisor: Prof David Eisenberg

Israel Institute of Technology - Technion, Israel

Chinmayi Subramanya (Physics)

Supervisor: Prof Emmanuel Stamou

Technical University - Dortmund, Germany

Suchetana Mitra (Math)

Supervisor: Dr Rebecca Tyson

University of British Colombia - Canada

Kaustubh Kumar (Chemistry)

Supervisor: Dr Roger Gläser

University of Leipzig - Leipzig, Germany

Esanmouli Ghosh (Physics)

Supervisor: Prof Andreas Burkert

Ludwig Maximilian University - Munich,


Kaustav Sen (Physics)

Supervisor: Dr Ana-Catalina Plesa

German Aerospace Center - Berlin, Germany


Discovering your field of interest


The application process


Visa and Related Paperwork


Finding the right research group(s)


Funding, Travel, Accommodation

The Internship Application Process

  • Going Prepared - Academic and Non-Academic Prerequisites
  • Work Culture - Academic Expectations
  • Lifestyle - The "fun" part of the internship
  • Networking
  • Common Pitfalls

On your internship

After the internship

  • Staying in touch - Future Commitments

Thank You!


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