riza@thehyve.nl @rizanugraha http://slides.com/rizanugraha/js-unit-testing#/
A unit test is a short program fragment written and maintained by the developers on the product team, which exercises some narrow part of the product's source code and checks the results.
Hacker News Poll
var tmplCache = {};
function loadTemplate (name) {
if (!tmplCache[name]) {
tmplCache[name] = $.get('/templates/' + name);
return tmplCache[name];
$(function () {
var resultsList = $('#results');
var liked = $('#liked');
var pending = false;
$('#searchForm').on('submit', function (e) {
if (pending) { return; }
var form = $(this);
var query = $.trim( form.find('input[name="q"]').val() );
if (!query) { return; }
pending = true;
$.ajax('/data/search.json', {
data : { q: query },
dataType : 'json',
success : function (data) {
loadTemplate('people-detailed.tmpl').then(function (t) {
var tmpl = _.template(t);
resultsList.html( tmpl({ people : data.results }) );
pending = false;
$('<li>', {
'class' : 'pending',
html : 'Searching …'
}).appendTo( resultsList.empty() );
resultsList.on('click', '.like', function (e) {
var name = $(this).closest('li').find('h2').text();
$('<li>', { text: name }).appendTo(liked);
var Likes = function (el) {
this.el = $(el);
return this;
Likes.prototype.add = function (name) {
$('<li>', { text: name }).appendTo(this.el);
var SearchResults = function (el) {
this.el = $(el);
this.el.on( 'click', '.btn.like', _.bind(this._handleClick, this) );
SearchResults.prototype.setResults = function (results) {
var templateRequest = $.get('people-detailed.tmpl');
templateRequest.then( _.bind(this._populate, this, results) );
SearchResults.prototype._handleClick = function (evt) {
var name = $(evt.target).closest('li.result').attr('data-name');
$(document).trigger('like', [ name ]);
SearchResults.prototype._populate = function (results, tmpl) {
var html = _.template(tmpl, { people: results });
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import org.junit.Test;
public class MyTests {
public void multiplicationOfZeroIntegersShouldReturnZero() {
MyClass tester = new MyClass(); // MyClass is tested
// assert statements
assertEquals("10 x 0 must be 0", 0, tester.multiply(10, 0));
assertEquals("0 x 10 must be 0", 0, tester.multiply(0, 10));
assertEquals("0 x 0 must be 0", 0, tester.multiply(0, 0));
BDD is when we write behavior & specification that then drives our software development.
describe('Test', function (){
// Stuff to do before the tests, like imports, what not
describe('#factorial()', function (){
it('should return 1 when given 0', function (){
it('should return 1 when given 1', function (){
it('should return 2 when given 2', function (){
it('should return 6 when given 3', function (){
after(function () {
// Anything after the tests have finished
Jasmine is a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code.
It does not depend on any other JavaScript frameworks.
It does not require a DOM. And it has a clean, obvious syntax so that you can easily write tests.
describe ('AService', function () {
beforeEach(function (){
// Things to do before each test cases
afterEach(function (){
// Things to do before each test cases
it ('should have something defined', function () {
// Implement test specifications
describe ('::methodOne', function () {
beforeEach(function (){
// Things to do before each test cases
afterEach(function (){
// Things to do before each test cases
it ('should do one operation', function () {
// Implement test specifications
describe("A spy", function() {
var foo, bar = null;
beforeEach(function() {
foo = {
setBar: function(value) {
bar = value;
spyOn(foo, 'setBar');
foo.setBar(456, 'another param');
it("tracks that the spy was called", function() {
A spy can stub any function and tracks calls to it and all arguments.
toHaveBeenCalled | return true if the spy was called. | expect(foo.setBar).toHaveBeenCalled(); |
toHaveBeenCalledWith | return true if the argument list matches any of the recorded calls to the spy. | expect(foo.setBar).toHaveBeenCalledWith(456, 'another param'); |
and.callThrough | track all calls to it but in addition it will delegate to the actual implementation. | spyOn(foo, 'getBar').and.callThrough(); expect(foo.getBar).toHaveBeenCalled(); |
and.returnValue | all calls to the function will return a specific value. | spyOn(foo, "getBar").and.returnValue(745); |
and.callFake | all calls to the spy will delegate to the supplied function. | spyOn(foo, "getBar").and.callFake(function() { return 1001; }); |
and.throwError | all calls to the spy will throw the specified value as an error. | spyOn(foo, "setBar").and.throwError("quux"); |
Karma is a JavaScript command line tool that can be used to spawn a web server which loads your application's source code and executes your tests. You can configure Karma to run against a number of browsers, which is useful for being confident that your application works on all browsers you need to support.
to inject and mock Angular services within unit tests.