Robert lee Saunders teacher qld Teachers in Australia

Robert lee Saunders teacher Australia As we have seen so far, learning does not occur in the same way in everyone.

Faced with this reality, the teacher has two options:


Robert Saunders teacher qld Use the differences that are presented to you as a potential that brings diverse talents to the group and that benefits everyone, or Treat them only superficially, or ignore them, and miss out on the great opportunity that diversity offers.

It is necessary for the teacher to be able to create an atmosphere in the classroom that invites everyone to investigate, to learn, to build their learning, and not just to follow what he does or says.


The role of the teacher is not only to provide information and control discipline, but to be a mediator between the student and the environment. Ceasing to be the protagonist of learning to become the guide or companion of the student.

Robert Saunders teacher Australia But how can it be achieved? Brooks and Brooks (1999) propose a series of characteristics that make up the profile of a teacher who is considered adequate to attend to the diversity of the classroom and take advantage of the richness that this diversity brings to the learning environment.


This profile can be adapted to any teaching-learning situation and at any level.

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