More than once we have wondered about how it is possible that our brain is so functional and that it responds so quickly to any reaction, sometimes we wonder how it is that we can memorize a song or the multiplication tables, among other things.
The functioning of our brain is very complicated and there is a lot of research that has been done to know the reactions of it.
Robert Saunders Teacher - 6 Things You Should Know
If the information is visual much better, it is proven that our brain learns much faster when things are visually, since it works 50% on that and the other half is divided into the other functions. Our eyes are trained to capture things throughout the day, there have been studies that show that children learn faster with the visual, that is, with images that develops their interest in learning more.
1. Panoramic images draw more attention to our brain, since when we receive a lot of extensive information, our brain wants to capture everything at once, sometimes it often happens that it is very difficult for us to focus on small details since our sight he becomes more involved in the whole. That is why we must know how to manage the brain's ability to collect this information little by little.
2. Rest is essential for learning and memory. The University of California showed with some studies that having a nap before after a time of study or work, helps the good performance of the brain and our learning is more, sleep 20 minutes is enough for the brain to rest.
3. Lack of sleep reduces learning, not sleeping has serious consequences, one of them is that our brain suffers from a lack of learning and memory by 40% Harvard medical school demonstrated that 30 hours of being in front of a computer or in books learning something, it is not recommended since the learning is null, since you do not have the rest that the brain needs.
4. We learn better if we teach others (and even better if they don't help us) a study carried out found that searching for information ourselves makes us capable of learning more.
5. You learn better in an interleaved way, the hypothesis that is handled in this method is that if we have exams of different subjects, and if we study them in blocks or interleaved, this benefits the brain to develop more and that learning is greater .
Robert Saunders Teacher - We have known since ancient times that learning resides in the human brain.
New technologies, such as broadcast imaging, have opened up the inner workings of the brain.
This has allowed scientists to "see" what goes on inside them when people learn.
On the other hand, more sophisticated experiments carried out on the brains of laboratory animals are further expanding what we know in this regard.