Talking to "Alexa"

Talking to “Alexa”

Roland Foster, Jr.

Learning how to speak her language

Edward Sarrazin

Learning how to speak her language



This  presentation is meant to inspire the exploration of new technologies such as Natural Language Processing (NLP) .  NLP  is currently being used in the home by way of the Amazon Echo, Siri and later this fall Google Home.   During this talk, we will explore how this technology is being used with “Alexa” for Home Automation and development on the Amazon AVS platform.

Overview of NLP Concepts.

Core Fuctionality of Alexa and Echo

Doing  more.

Design, Development and Deployment of an Alexa Skill.

Talking to “Alexa”

Learning how to speak her language


Talking to “Alexa”

•What is an NLP?

•So, Who is Alexa and why does she have an echo?

•I said, “Representative!”

•Echo Demo (Core Features)

•Are you thinking what I’m thinking?

•Smart Devices do Dumb Task

•My TV and Alexa are Friends on IFTTT

•Let there be light!

Joshua: Shall we play a game? : War Games, 1983

Natural Language Processing  (NLP)

The interactions between Humans and computers through (Natural) Languages [spoken/textual]. This is a subset of the larger area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Computation Linguistics (stats and rules modeling of a natural language).

- Nest, Roland’s Home Yesterday

NLP: Amazon

- I’m so, hip and cool.  Amazon November  2014

So, Who is Alexa and why does she have an echo.

•Alexa - Alexa Voice Service (AVS).  Alexa is the development Platform used for NLP.

•Echo client input/output for Alexa.

•Digital Assistant.

 - You sent me. Terminator 2: Judgement Day, 1991

Echo Alexa interaction model




interaction model

re:Invent  2015 Alexa Voice Service Under the Hood

I said, “Representative!”

Doppler effect


Are you thinking what I’m thinkin: IOT

Smart devices/dumb task

•The Clapper for 2016.

Home Automation/”The Hub”

Companion Apps


$19  + $99 + $99 = “Cool” or  $217.00

My TV and Alexa are Friends on IFTTT


Q and A

Any Questions?

Session 2 Agenda

How to Speak her language

•Design Custom Skill

•Development/Deployment Custom Skill

•Testing Custom Skill

Session 2 Links

Session 2 Links Cont.

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