oldest cryptocurrency
initiated anonymously (paper + source code)
creates a distributed ledger secured by proof of work
proof of work SHA-256 based
This is a problem! (see later)
Bitcoin (Blockchain)
Bitcoin (Block)
Bitcoin (Transaction)
Proof of Work
sha256(sha265(Block + Nonce)) = Hash
choose Nonce so that Hash starts with d leading zeros
d depends on "difficulty" and provided by the bitcoin network
Finding correct Nonce is "proof of work" and is rewarded with bitcoins (this is called bitcoin mining)
The problem with SHA256
The problem with SHA256
Easy to speed up using
Currently without the latest ASIC you spend more on energy than earning bitcoins
What is an ASIC
Very low cost ultra high performance chip specialized on only one task
What is an ASIC
Very low cost ultra high performance chip specialized on only one task
What is an ASIC
Very low cost ultra high performance chip specialized on only one task
What is an ASIC
Very low cost ultra high performance chip specialized on only one task
What is an ASIC
Very low cost ultra high performance chip specialized on only one task
The Problem with SHA256
Original Idea is gone (everybody can mine bitcoins using his spare compute resources at home)
system now vulnerable to 51% attack
recently 50% of mining power achieved by a single pool
Alternative CryptoCurrencies
There are many alternatives
Auroracoin, BlackCoin, Dash, Dogecoin, DigitalNote, Ethereum, Litecoin, Mastercoin, MazaCoin, Monero, Namecoin, Nxt, Peercoin, Emercoin, PotCoin, Primecoin, Ripple, ShadowCash, Titcoin
Alternative hash algorithms
scrypt, X11, cryptonight, hashimoto
Alternative consensus methods
proof of stake
beyond payments
Idea: BlockChain as distributed ledger to ensure non-centralized authority on validation of any type of transaction
two promising candidates
Ethereum (Swiss Non-Profit Organization)
Hyperledger Project (The Linux Foundation, members: IBM, Deutsche Börse Group, Intel, JP Morgan, Cisco, RedHat, ...)
IBM Blockchain
Service running in the IBM Cloud
based on IBM's implementation of Hyperledger
IBM Cloud (Free Tier &&|| Trial)
Open Stack
12.000 - 120.000 US$ Startup Program
Free usage for Academia
Romeo's cool virtual Meetup
Tutorial on NodeRED + Watson
Tutorial on NodeRED + Hadoop/BigInsights
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