App flow
Ronen Amiel
Not because of the complexity of our problems.
We waste a lot of time iterating: We change a file, save it, and wait for the build tool to finish so we can play with the results.
Trying to create better developer experience
The goal: Allow you to spend more time working on your app. We get frustrated when the build tool is taking too much of our time.
Development should be fun. Make development great again ™.
Demo time
Show existing project with its problems:
Changing a client file requires restarting the server which takes a long time and is redundant.
Logs are horrible and it makes it harder to detect errors and potential problems.
When we actually need to work on the server, restarting it takes a long time.
Show the same project with app flow enabled:
The output of the server is now piped to the terminal.
Errors are simple, show once and also appear in the browser.
Changing client files doesn't restart the server.
Changing the server restarts it, but we can try hot reloading it.
Changes to the server restart the browser.
Universal is going to get a lot easier.
Debugging is easy, try the --debug flag.
Talk a bit about how everything works.
3 different process with socket communication to/from Yoshi.
Help us test it and give us feedback
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