Ryan Hayes for TriJS Meetup
The W3C (www.w3.org) is the standards body for HTML and CSS! This includes:
ECMA International is the standards organization for JavaScript (but it's called ECMAScript)!
Fun Fact #1: Sun Microsystems holds the trademark for JavaScript, so in writing, it's mostly referred to as JS.
Fun Fact #2: JavaScript is an implementation of ECMAScript!
(Can be over a 5+ year period and change drastically, or be rescinded)
Prefixes are a way for browsers to test out implementations themselves, without screwing up the "standard" version.
#ProTip!: If you rely solely on a prefix, eventually the web will move to the prefixless one and catch up, but your site won't work on those browsers.
#ProTip: If you check for a browser version, you are doing it wrong.
Use http://modernizr.com to check for features and then do something else if not supported. This helps future-proof!