Make a new folder on your desktop
Open Sublime Text Editor
Create a new file
Save the file in your folder, as index.html
Type Hello World, and then be sure to save.
Go to your browser, hit Control+O (command on mac) and open your file.
Websites and web apps are just files.
They sit on a computer. Right now, your website is on your computer, so it can only be opened on your computer.
If we want our website to be accessed from the Internet we put it on a computer connected to the Internet called a Server.
A Browser gets a file (usually through that files address, or
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
Hello World
Copy this into your file.
For now, everything we do will be in what's called the opening and closing body tags.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<h1>This is a page heading</h1>
<h2>This is a sub heading</h2>
<p>This is normal text for a website</p>
<p>You can have the same tag type multiple times</p>
Let's start with some HTML. This will give us some control over structure, and even a little bit about how things look.
<tag_name> What goes in the tag </tag_name>
Goal: We are going to build a shout-out website that you can use to give positive recognition to students. Build a title, a sub title, and a description.
The logical next question, obviously... how do I make it look better!
CSS is actually a different language, so we are going to write it in a different file.
Make a new file in Sublime, click save as, save it in your new folder and call it style.css
background-color: yellow;
font-size: 30px;
color: red;
Change the colors, background colors, and sizes of your Heading, Name, and Description.
Then, go to
The HEX value, with a # in front of it, can replace the color words.
background-color: #FFF6C5;
Most any style you want, you can accomplish with enough CSS. Instead of memorizing all the different properties, just google search the property you want, and the word CSS.
With CSS:
Make all your text aligned to the center
Make your name underlined
A picture is actually a different file. You can't just link to a file on your
<img src=''/>
The tag is
but before you close the opening tag, you are going to add an attribute, which a way to add information to a tag.
src (source) and set it equal to the
Many developers now get their fonts from google fonts
Click Quick Use
The link goes in your head tag
font-family: goes in your css
Shout Out Board
What will it look like to have different shout outs? What are some existing sites we could model after? What constraints / limitations should we be thinking about?
Make 4 different shout outs that could have been submitted by someone. You only need to use paragraph tags here.
Add the class shout_out to the shoutouts and teacher_name for the teachers name
<p class='shout_out'>
Shout out to Tamia for her Grit during guided practice, that 1G for pushing through frustration.
<p class='teacher_name'>
Ms. Moynihan
color: pink;
background-color: yellow;
Make your shout outs look better.
margin: 2px 5px 8px 4px;
Bootstrap offers a lot of functionality. It's a library of pre-built css styles that allow us to do some impressive stuff. At it's core, it creates a grid.
Div for Division, a very generic tag that just represents a portion of a website.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<div class='row'>
<div class='col-sm-4'>Anything you want</div>
<div class='col-sm-4'>Anything you want</div>
<div class='col-sm-4'>Anything you want</div>
<div class='row'>
<div class='col-sm-4'>
<p class='shout_out'>This is the shout out</p>
<p class='teacher_name'>Teacher Name</p>
<div class='col-sm-4'>
<p class='shout_out'>This is the shout out</p>
<p class='teacher_name'>Teacher Name</p>
<div class='col-sm-4'>
<p class='shout_out'>This is the shout out</p>
<p class='teacher_name'>Teacher Name</p>
You are going to make our new staff band website, take a look at the website here:
And spend the next 20 minutes recreating it.
If you want hints, hit the down arrow.
Your body tag will have 3 custom css properties, background-color, font-family, and text-align
your h1, h2, and p tags should all have 2 custom properties, font-size and color.
To make the space colored around your images, you will want to make all images have a fixed width, a background-color, and padding. (You could use border and get the same result).
To make the space colored around your images, you will want to make all images have a fixed width and padding. (You could use border and get the same result).
Since each picture is a different color, you will need to have a way to call each picture individually with css. Use an id and set the background color (or border) there.
<p> Good ol' Fashion Text</p>
<a href="">Click Me!</a>
Unordered Lists and Ordered Lists
Pick what you want, it can be anything, but I would encourage you to think about something that matters to you, work or family.
A playlist website where your scholars can go each day to access assignments, links, homework, or make-up work.
A website for a family business.
A vocabulary website that over the year becomes a resource to study all the key vocabulary a scholar should learn in you class.
Javascript is all about interaction. Javascript is a programming language that allows you to "teach" computers to do specific things under different conditions.
alert("Hello World!");
var num1 = 5;
var num2 = 8;
alert("num1 + num2");
alert(num1 + num2);
var num1 = 5;
var num2 = 8;
alert(num1 + num2);
alert(num1 - num2);
alert(num1 * num2);
alert(num1 / num2);
var num1 = 5;
var num2 = 8;
var num3 = 4;
var num4 = 15;
num4 % num3 //3
num4 % num2 //7
num4 % num1 //0
num3 % num4 //4
num3 % num3 //0
num3 % num2 //4
num3 % num1 //4
num2 % num1 //3
num2 % num3 //0
num2 % num4 //8
So answer the following:
3 % 2
5 % 20
20 % 5
5 % 2
7 % 3
Create 3 different alerts with the 4 variables above and no constants, one using only addition, one using only multiplication, and one using only division. Each alert should say 16.
num1 = 4
num2 = 12
num3 = 16
num4 = 1
Variables can change many times in a program, that's actually what makes them valuable.
What are some examples of variables in programs we use daily?
var x = 5;
x = x + 3;
var y = x / 2;
x = x * y;
x = (2*y + x) / y;
//what are the current values of x and y?
var name = "Ryan";
alert("Hello " + name + " how are you?");
var city = "Nashville";
var name = "Matt";
var age = 15;
Using the variables above, alert a sentence that says the city, name and age.
var start = Math.random();
Test it out a few times, what's the pattern?
The key to any good game is randomness.
Make it so it generates a random number between 1 and 100
The key to any good game is randomness.
Figure out how to round it so it is just a whole number. (google search!)
The key to any good game is randomness.
var start = Math.round(Math.random()*100);
// or
var start = Math.random()*100;
start = Math.round(start);
There are 3 major parts to any computer program
1. Sequence, the order in which things occur
2. Selection, conditional statements that are only executed when certain conditions are met.
3. Iteration, doing something many times.
var num = Math.round(Math.random()*100);
if(num > 50){
alert(num + ", that's huge!");
var num = Math.round(Math.random()*100);
if(num > 50){
alert(num + ", That's huge!");
}else if(num < 50){
alert(num + ", That's small!");
var num = Math.round(Math.random()*100);
if(num > 50){
alert(num ", That's huge!");
}else if(num < 50){
alert(num + ", That's small!");
alert("Right down the middle");
Generate a random integer between 0 and 50. If it's even, alert ___ is even. Otherwise alert the number.
Generate a random number between 0 and 30. If it's a multiple of 3 alert ___ is a multiple of 3. If it's a multiple of 2 alert___ is a multiple of 2.
Generate a random number between 0 and 20. If it's a multiple of 2 and 3, alert ____ is a multiple of 2 and 3.
var num = Math.round(Math.random()*10);
num = num + 10;
if(num > 20){
alert("I'm greater than 20");
alert(num / 2);
var answer = prompt("Guess a Number");
var answer = prompt("Guess a Number");
answer = Number(answer);
//alternative way
var answer = Number(prompt("Guess a Number");
Generate a random integer between 0 and 10. Have the user guess a number between 0 and 10. If they guess correctly, tell them they win. If the don't guess correctly, tell them how far off they were.
var car = prompt("What kind of car do you drive?");
if(car == "Honda"){
var like = prompt("Nice, do you like it?");
if(like == "yes"){
alert("Good, it would be a bummer not to like your car");
alert("I'm sorry to hear that!");
Create your own choose your own adventure game. Structure:
var answer = prompt("Do you want to go out to eat?");
if(answer == "yes"){
answer = prompt("Somewhere fancy or somewhere cheap?");
if(answer == "cheap"){
alert("Nice, we'll go on a date to KFC");
alert("Okay, sushi it is!");
answer = prompt("Would you rather make pizza or pasta?");
if(answer == 'pizza'){
alert("Cool, we should make pineapple pizza");
alert("Okay, but we have to make our own pasta");
Create a prompt that asks the user what day of the month their birthday is.
If the day of the month is even, alert out to them their birthday is on an even number.
If their day of the month is the same as yours, alert to them their birthday is the same as yours.
If the day of the month is in between 15 and 18, alert their birthday is in between 15 and 18
Computers are really good at doing things over and over again.
for(i = 0; i<5; i++){
What will this do?
What if I wanted to start at 2?
What if I wanted to go to 8?
What if I wanted to go up by 2 instead of 1?
Make a program that allows the user to type in the total, then type in the amount they paid. Afterwards it should say the amount of change due.
Then, it should say "You'll get ___ back in bills and ___ back in change.
We need to find better ways to print to the screen, because alerts are annoying.
Let's connect to our HTML with jQuery
var results = $('#results');
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){
So from now on, we'll attached our javascript to our html instead of alerts, because alerts are frustrating and annoying to work with.
Print the numbers 1 - 100, if the number is a multiple of 3 you should print "Fizz". If the number is a multiple of 5 you should print "Buzz". If the number is a multiple of 3 and 5 you should print "Fizz Buzz".
Hint - you can check if several things are true by using &&, for example:
would test to see if num is greater than 5 and less than 10.
if(num > 5 && num < 10)
Build a website that allows a user to order a pizza.
Stage one is to create a layout that has the name of your pizza shop and some pictures / text to make it look good.
15 minutes
They should be able to select small, medium, or large for their pizza size.
To do this you will need to use a new tag called an input tag.
<input type='radio' class='size' value='small'/>
10 minutes
The need to submit
(Make it look good)
5 minutes
So far all our javascript has been executed on page load. We are going to make a function which we call instead of just execute.
For now, just make a variable called size and set it equal to one of your sizes, then if size is small, set a price variable to the cost of a small pizza, if medium, set the price variable to to a the cost of a medium etc.
Then include tax, prompt the user for a tip, and then alert out the total cost of the order.
function orderPizza(){
var size = 'small';
10 minutes
Instead of making size a static value, let's make it what ever the person clicked.
var size = $('.size').val();
10 minutes
Add an attribute called onclick and set it equal to the name of your function to your submit button.
Now have them pick a crust type and make that change the price as well.
15 minutes