Good Curriculum Designer, Bad Curriculum Designer
A Good Curriculum Designer is a Product manager.
Good Curriculum Designer
Good Teacher
Strength over lack of weakness
A Good curriculum Designer does
need to be...
CHARISMATIC or engaging
on their feet all day
Masters of taxonomy
Title Text
But they Must...
Be masters of their content
Be OUTRAGEOUSLY passionate about their content
Articulate why each concept, or product actually matters
A good curriculum designer knows how to prepare teachers
"Training is quite simply, one of the highest-leverage activities a manager can perform"
"Watered-down feedback can be worse than no feedback"
"I realized while I had told the team what to do, I had not been clear about why"
Lastly, A Great Curriculum Designer always pushes to raise the bar, never lowering it, they never surrender to the difficulties we face everyday
Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside while still alive.
Never surrender.
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