@mcr_fred / #McrFRED
This is only one approach, there's many others.
Yeoman, Bower and Grunt
$ npm install -g yo
# For npm versions < 1.2.10.
$ npm install -g grunt-cli bower
Unicorns and rainbows await. Bear with me.
npm = package.json
bower = bower.json
grunt = Gruntfile.js
Say we want html5shiv...
$ bower search html5
$ bower install html5shiv --save
Not only has that now pulled in html5shiv to our project.
It's also saved it into the `bower.json` file.
So next time when we do `$ bower install` it automatically installs.
# List all files colorized in long format
alias l="ls -l ${colorflag}"
# Open current directory in Sublime Text
alias s="subl ."
Cmd+T > Start typing out a filename > Enter
With grunt watch
, grunt will watch for changes and livereload will update the browser.
With Sass it's possible to split code up into separate files called partials.
Viewport Sizes
Responsive testing.
Quickly get to the app you're after.
Quickly view apps side by side.
@eczarny is ace and helped me out with my dotfiles.
Modern.ie - The place to go to get old IE browsers.
Automated installation of IE VMs.
Update VB hosts file to point VB to local.
GhostLab + DeviceLab
Highlighted potential issues.
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
ajaxInclude (thanks @stucox)
<div id="svg-clock" data-replace="svg/clock.html"></div>
SVG Viewbox
<svg viewBox="0 0 358 414">
Illustrator / SVG coordinates
With random animation on page load
This is a Safari rendering bug triggered by backface-visibility: hidden on the .pie-chart > :last-child em.
Reduction ftw!
Issue with CanvasJS where you'd get stuck when scrolling.
Thanks Sunil Urs
Can we make the woman get pregnant?
Images are huuuuge.
To everyone that left a
comment and shared a link.
@mcr_fred / #McrFRED
Fancy a chit chat and a pint?